September 2022

Pastor and Brethren: We have had a month of increased activity at the courthouse of Payne County, Ok., translating from English into Spanish and Spanish into English. Because of the changes in legal procedure, I do not always get an opportunity to present the clients...

August 2022

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Latino Outreach This month several things have happened which we would like you all to know. We went to court with eight Latinos to help them with their language difficulties and to hope for a chance to be a witness to them. Some of them will...

July 2022

Dear Pastor and Brethren: New Visitor              On the seventeenth of July we had a new visitor come to our Sunday morning service. His name is Matthew Williams. Matthew lives with his mother, Kim, who has been attending our services for quite sometime now. He is a...

June 2022

Dear Pastor and Brethren Health Update First of all, thank you all for your prayers concerning my heart health needs. Although I am much better, I am still having problems with extreme fatigue due to a low ejection fraction which also causes shortness of breath, low...

May 2022

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Health Difficulties I had been living and preaching under the burden of atrial fibrillation since about the middle of last December and did not know it. I remember having begun to slow down in my activities but thought that such was the...

April 2022 Report

Dear Pastor and Brethren, The Lord blessed us with a special Resurrection Day. We had 21 people in attendance and a Fellowship Dinner afterwards. Sis. Connie Gaches was able to attend for the first time since her double back surgery, and the Gaches’ grandson Kenneth...

Marach 2022

Dear Pastor and Brethren, A New Visitor A new visitor has come to our services twice. Her name is Kim Williams. She professes to know the Lord and comes from a church in Virginia. She works for OSU here in town, and lives with her son, Matthew, who is working on his...

February 2022

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Blessings amidst Difficulties. Although the difficulties of January continued into February there were blessings as well for which to praise the Lord. We have learned to thank the Lord for the difficulties, but the blessings sure do bring...

January 2022

Dear Pastor and Brethren January has proven to be a difficult month due to sickness and bad weather here in Oklahoma. I was sick with a bad head cold and missed one Sunday and then the weather with snow caused us to cancel yet another Sunday service. Then our...

December 2021

Faithful Attendee Dies Bro. Alvin Christian went to be with the Lord sometime between Dec.1st. and Dec. 5th of this year. Roxanne and I had been picking him up and taking him home each service for several weeks before his passing. We were awaiting his phone call on...

November 2021

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Increased Latino Contact Our busy month began with an increase in our contact with Latino people. The following names represent people with whom we have tried to be an influence for the Lord’s sake as we communicated and worked with them:...

October 2021

Dear Pastor and Brethren, Difficult Month October has been a difficult month for several of us here attending the mission work. Bro. and Sis. Dick Gaches went to a hospital in Chicago for four weeks to a specialist to operate on Sis. Gaches back due to complications...

September 2021

New and Old Visitors This month the Lord has blessed us with two new visitors and an old visitor. James Looper and Ada Holt are the new visitors that have visited with us twice, coming with Bro. Alvin Christian both times. They are his neighbors and do not have a...

July 2021

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Beautiful Service! We had a beautiful service Sunday, the Fourth of July. It was the first time in eleven years that the Fourth of July has fallen on the Lord’s Day. Sis. Gaches sang the first verse of our National Anthem as the congregation...

June 2021

Dear Pastor and Brethren: One Visitor in June In June, we had one visitor, Mark, who came on a Sunday and then on a Wednesday evening. On Wednesday evening he came in and sat through about half of the song service and suddenly got up and left without saying a word. He...