Dear Pastor and Brethren

January has proven to be a difficult month due to sickness and bad weather here in Oklahoma. I was sick with a bad head cold and missed one Sunday and then the weather with snow caused us to cancel yet another Sunday service. Then our Wednesday night services suffered cancellations due to absences of those attending and sickness as well. The sickness I had affected my blood pressure causing it to drop low and create a buildup of fluid in my lungs. The cardiologist prescribed a potassium and diuretic treatment, and now I am beginning to feel much better and can breathe better as well.

Other Activities Curtailed

The local court system cancelled two days of court activity as well as did the local school systems. However, we did go to court three times during the month to interpret. We have less and less personal contact with the Spanish-speaking prisoners making it more difficult to give them Spanish tracts and other literature. I usually have to speak to them in front of the judge by means of a microphone and video system. We only get to deal with a prisoner personally when they are able to get a private attorney.

Short Summary

In reviewing last years blessings from the Lord, I remember finishing expository preaching on the Book of John, then preaching several transition sennons on law and grace before starting expository preaching on the Book of Acts. Seeing how our Lord started and prepared the men He had chosen to be members of His own church, and then seeing them empowered on the Day of Pentecost to preach the Gospel has truly been a great blessing to me. I am now preaching to between seven and nine persons each Sunday. Our numbers are down because Bro Ruben Torres moved to Texas, and we lost him and his children from our attendance. Then Bro. Alvin Christian went to be with the Lord and Sis. Connie Gaches had traumatic spine surgery from which she is still recovering. Although we are down in attendance, we are not down in our spirit for the Spirit of the Lord encourages us through His Word. We do thank you all for your prayers and support of us in the work of the Lord.

By His grace and in loving gratitude,
Tim and Roxanee Parrow