Dear Pastor and Brethren

Autumn Analysis

We are in the autumn of our year; many of us are in the autumn of our lives, and many are yet unconverted or the Lord would return. We look and labor for our Lord’s return. Despite all the theories about the timing of our Lord’s return, we know that He will not return until all of Almighty God’s lost elect are converted from their sin and saved by His grace through faith in His holy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Although I believe in preaching the gospel to every creature, I am also looking for the Lord’s lost elect under the sound of my ministry to be revealed by the power of the Holy Spirit through their repentance and faith in him. Thus every message I preach, by God’s grace, is an invitation to all within the sound of my voice to repent and come to Christ.

Our Services

Our services have been characterized by the sweet power and presence of the Holy Spirit of God. The Lord enables me to proclaim His Word consistently, and I am thankful for that ability. Our people are learning to sing the hymns of our faith and are improving each service with more volume and vocal quality. We do not sing anything styled after this world’s music, not so-called Christian Contemporary or Southern Gospel for they smack of religious entertainment not the true element of holy worship.
We have had some absence lately among the brethren who attend regularly. Kim and her son Matthew were sick with the Covid viral infection once again and were out for three weeks recuperating. Bro. and Sis. Gaches had to return to the hospital in Chicago for a check-up on her massive surgery and were gone one Sunday. Other than that we have had good attendance.

Bethel Bible Conference

We were pleased to be able to attend the Friday evening services of Bethel Baptist Church of Choctaw, Ok., Dr. Royce Smith, Pastor. Although I invited all our folks to attend with us, no one was free to attend. Roxanne and I arrived in time for the evening meal during which we enjoyed excellent food and social fellowship with those brethren. The evening services were blessed with good singing and excellent preaching. They have a new grand piano that has beautiful tone and was a delight to play. It was a joy and blessing to worship the Lord with those brethren.

By His grace and in loving gratitude,

Tim and Roxanne Parrow

Ii Timothy 1:7