Dear Pastor and Brethren:

Latino Outreach

This month several things have happened which we would like you all to know. We went to court with eight Latinos to help them with their language difficulties and to hope for a chance to be a witness to them. Some of them will be coming to do community service with us and that will give me further opportunity to reach out to them about their spiritual need..


Bro. Gaches finished his series of messages on August 21, and I began preaching on Sunday mornings on August 28th. I rejoice that the Lord has seen fit to enable me to preach once again, and I hope that you will rejoice with me. For a while, I wondered if the Lord was going to strengthen me sufficiently to return to the pulpit. He has, and I am continuing to preach messages on the subject: “Identifying Marks of a New Testament Church.” I am contrasting thirteen of these marks with other religious bodies that do not have them.

Persons That Need Prayer

Alfred and Cheryl Smith are an elderly couple who have come to our services several times, have heard the Gospel clearly, and have been invited to repent and come to the Lord Jesus for salvation. Alfred is now in the hospital in Tulsa with a perforated colon and Cheryl is staying with him. Both are going through a difficult time. We have dealt with them by telephone as much as we can. His outlook looks grim, and they need prayer.

Sis. Connie Gaches had a similar situation but with a stomach ulcer. She went to the hospital here in Stillwater for an emergency operation and the surgeon closed the hole that leaked stomach acid into her chest cavity. She now is at home with drainage tubes and recuperating gradually. It is a slow and difficult process.

Our great-grandbaby was born on August 24th weighing in at six pounds and ten ounces. Her name is Marie, and she is a lovely little thing. Her mom and dad live down in the Oklahoma City area so we have not seen her in person yet. All are doing well, physically, but need our prayers for their spiritual well-being. Our granddaughter Ruth has promised to bring our great-granddaughter up to visit with us as soon as possible.


By His grace and in loving gratitude,

Tim & Roxanne Parrow

II Tim. 1:7