Dear Pastor and Brethren,

A New Visitor

A new visitor has come to our services twice. Her name is Kim Williams. She professes to know the Lord and comes from a church in Virginia. She works for OSU here in town, and lives with her son, Matthew, who is working on his PhD in Creative Writing at the university. Although he has not come to the services yet, she assures me that he will come soon. We hope so. His coming would give us two PhD candidates in our congregation since Lashonda Dale is also working on her degree. We have another visitor, Zailin, who comes about once a month with his grandpa, Jose, to attend Roxanne’s Sunday School class. Zailin is five years old, and keeps Sis. Roxanne busy.

Latino Ministry

This month we have been able to deal with ten Latinos/Latinas through the court system.
Some of the names are repeated from the previous month, some are new for this month. Elizabeth Soto, Darwin Julian, Perla Angulo, Jose Armando Rodriguez, Ronaldo Martinez, Alonso Silvano, Pedro Perez, Luis Fernando, and Jose Bautista and his common law wife, Alicia. Jose has taken her to court trying to get custody of their children. Please continue to pray about our Latino outreach efforts.

Other Activities and Needs

Bro. and Sis. Dick Gaches completed their 56th wedding anniversary this month. Sis.
Gaches is still learning to walk after her two back surgeries way back in October. Scoliosis had bent her over double, but now she is standing erect. She is making it a goal to return to our services by Easter Sunday and we are praying that she will make it. She does exercises every day to strengthen the weak muscles in her back, and is trying to learn to walk without using a walker.

We still have not received any appreciable rainfall and are under a burn ban. Please remember all these things in your prayers for us.

By His grace and in loving gratitude,

Tim and Roxanne Parrow