Jan 17, 2015 | Eschatology
What was the final end of the colossal image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream? (Destroyed by the stone cut out of the mountain without hands). That stone represents what or whom? (The coming of the Lord). Would you say that ending was peaceful or violent? What is the...
Jan 17, 2015 | Eschatology
What is the Millennium? (The thousand year, literal reign of Christ upon the earth.) Is the word “Millennium” a Biblical word? (It is the word translated “thousand” in the Latin Bible.) What is the Greek word for “Millennium”...
Jan 17, 2015 | Eschatology
What is the Millennium? (The thousand year, literal reign of Christ upon the earth.) Has the Millennium begun yet? (No.) Is the Millennium a large or small Biblical subject? (Huge.) What group of people do the prophecies of the Millennium primarily concern?...
Jan 17, 2015 | Eschatology
What is the Millennium? (The thousand year, literal reign of Christ upon the earth.) Has the Millennium begun yet? (No.) What group of people do the prophecies of the Millennium primarily concern? (Israel.) Does the Millennium concern only this people? (No.)...
Jan 17, 2015 | Eschatology
What is the Millennium? (The thousand year, literal reign of Christ upon the earth.) Has the Millennium begun yet? (No.) At what point in time will the Millennium begin? (At the conclusion of the Tribulation). What will happen to God’s Covenants to...
Jan 17, 2015 | Eschatology
What is the Millennium? (The thousand year, literal reign of Christ upon the earth.) Has the Millennium begun yet? (No.) At what point in time will the Millennium begin? (At the conclusion of the Tribulation). What will happen to God’s Covenants to...
Jan 17, 2015 | Eschatology
What is the Millennium? (The thousand year, literal reign of Christ upon the earth.) Has the Millennium begun yet? (No.) At what point in time will the Millennium begin? (At the conclusion of the Tribulation). What kind of government will there be during the...
Jan 17, 2015 | Eschatology
Which of the following statements are “true” and which are “false?” From God the Father’s point of view, the Millennium . . . Will be the point when His covenant with Abraham will be completely fulfilled (Gen. 13:14-17; 22:15-18) Will...
Jan 17, 2015 | Eschatology
What three major events take place at the close of the Millennium prior to the Eternal Kingdom? (The release of Satan and his war against the Lord, the renovation of the earth, and the Great White Throne Judgment). In regard to the first event (Revelation...
Jan 17, 2015 | Eschatology
Why is Revelation 20:11-15 generally called the Great White Throne Judgment? Is this the same judgment that is described in II Corinthians 5:10-11? Why is this sometimes called the Bema Judgment? (Bema is the Greek word for “judgment seat.”) What...
Jan 17, 2015 | Eschatology
After the Great White Throne Judgment and the dissolution of the heavens and the earth, what will probably be the next event in preparation for eternity (Rev. 21:1)? (New heavens and a new earth). How would you guess that the Lord will accomplish this? (An act...