Lies and Falsehood – Psalm 40:4

Truth and Honesty. Moses wrote a psalm or song in which he ascribed greatness unto Jehovah; he said that God is our rock and (He is eternal; He is high and lifted up; He is just and right; He is a God of truth). Last 2 – Deut. 32:4 We may possess a strong...

Leprosy and Letters – II Corinthians 3:2

Lepers and Leprosy. Strong’s Concordance defines the Hebrew word “tsara‘ath” (tsaw-rah’- ath) thirty-five times and in only one way – (hiccup; lopsided; purple ugly scab; leprosy). Leprosy Although there is little conformation, Easton’s Bible Dictionary...

Biblical Laughter and Joy – John 16:24

Biblical Laughter: Generally speaking laughter in the Bible is (evil; joyful; innocuous; diverse)? Could be good or bad Hebrew words translated “laugh” or “laughter” speak of (derision; scorn; joy; playfulness)? All of these Greek words...

Biblical Kings and Queens – I Timothy 1:17

The Old Testament Heathen Kings. One of the kings of the Amalekites was (Able; Abel; Agag; Ahasuerus)? Agag – I Sam. 15:32 One of the kings of the Amorites was (Sion; Sihon; Sennacherib; Shallum)? Jos. 13:10 – Sihon One of the kings of the Ammonites was...

Judges and Judgments – Psalm 9:16

The Old Testament Judges. Old Testament judges sat behind big oak desks, in black robes, with white curly wigs (yes; no; I don’t know). The Hebrew verb translated for “to judge” means to (adjudicate; avenge; plead; execute)? All of these The theme of the...

Biblical Journeys – I Kings 19:8

John Bunyan allegorically described the Christian life as a (wave upon the sea; a journey; a vapor that appeareth as a little time and then vanisheth away; a pilgrimage)? A pilgrimage; a journey A pilgrimage, by definition, is (a much needed vacation; a transition...

Jesus Christ – Romans 6:23

  Jesus’ Names and Titles: Which of these is not one of Jesus’ Biblical names or titles (Adam; Abraham; Alpha; Amen)? Abraham Which of these is not one of Jesus’ Biblical names or titles (Beginning of creation; Begotten of the Father; Bishop; Beulah Land)? Beulah...

Jerusalem – Psalm 125:2

The location of Jerusalem: How would you describe the location of Jerusalem within Israel (north; south; east; west)? South central It was situated (in a valley; on a plateau; in the mountains; on a mountain). In and on mountains It was in the tribe of (Ephriam,...

Idols and Idolatry

Old Testament Idols and false gods: The first time the word “idols” is used in the Bible it is the Hebrew word ‘eliyl (el-eel’) which means (nothing; worthless; of no value; Satan). The first three Is everything which is ‘eliyl a false god and worshiped by...

Hymns and Hymn Singing – Psalm 33:1-5

“I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.” How often is the word “hymn” found in the Bible in one form or other (1; 2; 3; 4)? Four How often is that word found in the Old Testament? Never “Hymn” refers...

The Holy Spirit – Ephesians 4:30

The theology of the Holy Spirit: How often is God’s Spirit described as “holy” in the Bible (never; seldom; often; million of times)? Seven times Where is He called “holy” more often (the Old Testament; the New Testament)? New Testament Did...