Old Testament Idols and false gods:

The first time the word “idols” is used in the Bible it is the Hebrew word ‘eliyl (el-eel’) which means (nothing; worthless; of no value; Satan). The first three

Is everything which is ‘eliyl a false god and worshiped by men (yes, no, possibly, I don’t know)? No

Job used that word when describing his “friends” saying that they were (sorry comforters; terrible friends; physicians of no value; wicked). Job 13:4 But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of “no value.”

Job was saying that they were (idols; idolaters; religious; worthless). Worthless

Lev. 26:30, the third use of the word “idols” is the Hebrew word “gillul” (ghil-lool’) which means (father; image; temple; heaven). Image

Other Hebrew words are translated “Idols,” one of which is found in I King 15:13 “miphletseth” (mif-leh’- tseth) and it means (pleasure; horrible thing; joy; happiness). Horror or cause of trembling

What idol was the chief false god and idol of Canaan (Diana; Zeus; Jupiter; Baal)? Baal

That name means (Diana; Lord; Zeus; Dagon). Lord

What is the difference between Baal and Baalim (two letters; spelling; plurality; reverence). Plural of Baal

Did Israel ever cast aside Jehovah in order to worship Baal (yes; no; not really; I don’t know)? Jud. 2:13

Where was Baal clearly proved to be a useless “idol” (Jerusalem; Carmel; Samaria; Hollywood)? I K 18:17f

After that event did Israel ever revert to Baal worship (yes; no; not really; I don’t know)? I K 22:53

Who were Jehovah’s greatest warriors against Baal (Elijah; Elisha; Jehu; Joshua)? Elij and Jehu

“And they brought forth the _____________ out of the house of Baal, and _____________ them. And they ______________ down the image of Baal, and brake _____________ the house of Baal, and made it a _______________ house unto this day. Thus ___________ destroyed Baal out of Israel.” II K 10:26-28

After that event did Israel ever revert to Baal worship (yes; no; not really; I don’t know). II K 17:16

Why is idolatry so persistent (Satan; depravity; God; gravity)? Depravity, Satan

Who was considered to be the consort of Baal (Diana; Ashtoreth; Zeus; Ashtaroth)? Ashtaroth; Ashtoreth

This name means (star; ogre; monster; fish)? Star

In different cultures Ashtaroth was worshiped under the name (Fred; Pluto; Ishtar; Astarte) Ishtar & Astar

Who lead a campaign to rid Israel of Ashtaroth (David, Samuel, Daniel; Jeremiah)? I Sam 7:3

Ashtaroth was the principle goddess of the (Sioux; Watusi; Zidonians; Romans). I K 11:33

The chief deity of the Philistines was (Baal, Diana; Mars; Dagon)? Judg 16:23

That idol was depicted as a (fly with wings; angel with wings; fish with hands; snake with legs). Fish

Who destroyed the temple of this false god (Jehovah; David; Samuel; Samson)? Judges 16:23-30

Did the destruction of this temple teach the Philistines that it was an “idol” {nothing} (yes; no; not really; I don’t know). No

In David’s day, who destroyed the image of this god (Jehovah; David; Samuel; Samson)? I Sam. 5

Did this event teach the Philistines that it was an “idol” {nothing} (yes; no; not really; I don’t know). No

Why is idolatry so persistent (Satan; depravity; tradition; wisdom)? Satan, depravity, tradition

Are there any forms of idolatry being practiced today for these reasons (yes; no; not really; I don’t know)?

What was the idol of the Ammonites (Miriam; Milcom; Molech; Mercury)? Milcom & Molech – I K 11:5,7

What was the abomination of the Moabites (Chemosh; Chalchiuhtlicue; Chang Fie; Chaos)? I K 11:7

What foolish Judean king built an altar to Molech (David, Ahab; Joash; Solomon)? I King 11:7

What idol was apparently worshiped with human blood (Dagon; Mercury; Poseidon; Molech)? II K 23:10

The Babylonians worshiped Bel which was another name for (Jehovah; Allah; Jupiter; Baal). Jere 50:2

They also worshiped (Merodach; Mercury; Silver; Gold). Jeremiah 50:2

Another Babylonian deity was (Nebo; Nefertum; Neit; Nemesis). Isa. 46:1 – god of writing and wisdom

What Assyrian king was murdered while worshiping in the temple of his favorite god, Nisroch (Ahab; Nebuchaddnezar; Benhadad; Sennacherib)? II Kings 19:37

What was the idol god of Naaman (Nisroch; Rimmon; Artemis; Eros)? II K 5:15-19

It was revealed to Ezekiel that in Jehovah’s temple some women were weeping for (Adonis; Venus; Mars; Tammuz). Ezek 8:14

New Testament idols and false gods:

Who was the goddess of the Ephesians (Hillary; Artemis; Diana; Daphne)? Diana/Artemis Acts 19:27, 35

What word would you use to describe the way she was depicted (beautiful; simple; grotesque; hideous)?

The foolish people of Lystra got the idea that Barnabas must have been (Jehovah; Janus; Juno; Jupiter)?

Those people thought that Paul was (Mars; Mercury; Minerva; Morrigan). Acts 14:12

Who else foolishly thought that Paul might have been a god (the Romans; the Ephesians; the Melitans; the Martians)? Acts 28:6

Who was the god on Mars Hill (Mars, Unknown god; Man; Jehovah)? Acts 17:23

Biblical principles of idolatry:

Idols are “nothing” and “vanity” because they (see not; hear not; help not; eat not). Deut 4:28

Deut. 4:28 also says that they (smell not; jump not; fly not; walk not). Smell

Isn‘t that statement just a bit (facetious; humorous; silly)?

But the reality is that idols and idolatry are (vain; void; silly; a waste of time). All of these

Can Jehovah ever be considered in an idolatrous way (yes, no, I don’t know)? Yes

How does Sinai shed light on this question (the Ten Commandments; the golden calf; the fiery serpents; the flock of quail)? “These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.” Ex 32

Who duplicated this idolatrous act, saying essentially the same thing (Rehoboam; Jeroboam; Saul; Mephibosheth)? Jeroboam I K 13

What is the general, Biblical meaning of the word “idol” (nothing; worthless; of no value; Satan)?

Is it possible to think of the Lord, or worship Him, in ways in which we make Him an idol?

Who said, or implied, that Abraham had been an idolater (the Psalmist; Jeremiah; Isaiah; Joshua)? Jos 24:2

“For this ye know, that no _________________, nor __________________ person, nor ______________ man, who is an ___________________, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ & of God. Eph 5:5

Using this verse one might conclude that idolatry involves (hospitality; friendliness; covetousness; a lack of faith). Covetousness

That would be because (love; hate; self; anything which comes between a person and God) is idolatry.

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any ________________ image, or any _____________ of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not ________ down thyself to them, nor ________________ them: for I the LORD thy God am a _____________ God…”

Do these verses teach that it is idolatry to have pictures of one’s loved ones (yes, no, maybe)? No

That which turns a statue into an idol is (attitude; expense; bowing to it; serving it). Not expense neces

“Take _______________ to yourselves, that your _________________ be not _____________, and ye turn aside, and _______________ other gods, and _______________ them.” Deut 11:16

What three things does I Sam. 15 equate with idolatry (rebellion; witchcraft; iniquity; stubbornness)? v.23

“I am the ___________________: that is my name: and my ______________ will I not give to another, neither my praise to ____________________ ___________________.” Isa. 42:8

When John said, “Little children, keep yourselves from idols,” he was writing to (toddlers; adolescents; Christians; Philistines)? Christians – I John 5:21

Paul, in analyzing humanity, testified that despite our professed wisdom, we became fools, changing the glory of the uncorruptible God into images such as (men, birds, beasts; creepy things). Creepy???? Rom 1:22-23

Which of the following have not become idols to some people (money; stars; people; rocks)? All

Which man was worshiped as a god (Paul; Silas; Herod; Solomon)? Herod – Acts 12:22

Were the words shouted that day sincere (yes, no, I don’t know)?

What did the man who received those words think?

In I Cor. 10 Paul says that when sacrifices are made to idols they are actually presented (to God; to the false priests; to Congress; to devils). I Cor. 10:19-20

Rev. 9 tells us that after a third part of humanity is killed during the Tribulation, most of the world will continue to worship (God; devils; idols of gold and silver; objects which neither see, hear, or walk). v.20

Lev. 17 describes those who worship devils through idols as (foolish; whoring; simple-minded; rebellious)?

“Wherefore, my dearly beloved, _________________ from idolatry.” 1 Cor 10