John Bunyan allegorically described the Christian life as a (wave upon the sea; a journey; a vapor that appeareth as a little time and then vanisheth away; a pilgrimage)? A pilgrimage; a journey

A pilgrimage, by definition, is (a much needed vacation; a transition from one place to another; a journey to a sacred place; a journey for a sacred purpose). The last two

Is the basic premise of Bunyan’s allegory scripturally accurate (yes; no; I can’t decide; I’ve never read it)?

“If we say that we have fellowship with him, and ______________ in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we ______________ in the light, as he is in the light, we have ________________ one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 Jo 1:6 –7

“__________ ye have therefore _______________ Christ Jesus the Lord, so ______ ye in him.” Col 2:6

Various Old Testament Journeys.

Noah sailed from (Ur to Arabia; Ur to Ararat; Eden to Ararat: Liverpool to Boston; Mesopotamia to Turkey)?

Humanity {Noah’s descendants} then settled up and down (the fertile crescent; the Tigris; the Euphrates; Iraq). All of these

Terah, Abraham’s father took his family and moved from (Babylon to Ur; Bagdad to Babylon; Ur to Haran; Ur to Canaan)? Ur to Haran, but they were planning on going to Canaan – Gen. 11:31

Abraham, at the command of God, journeyed from (Ur to Canaan; Ur to Haran; Haran to Damascus; Haran to Canaan)? Haran to Canaan – Gen. 12:5

Abraham didn’t stay where God commanded, but journeyed to (Philistia; Saudi Arabia; Egypt; Syria). 12:10

Returning from that place Abraham, Lot and their families began to live near (Jerusalem; Hebron; Bethel; Hai). Between Bethel and Hai – Gen. 13:3

Lot moved his family to (Jerusalem; Gomorrah; Hebron; Sodom).

Before the birth of Isaac, Abraham and his family journeyed from the Hebron area towards (Gerar; Kadesh and Shur; Egypt; Assyria). Gerar between Kadesh and Shur – Gen. 20:1

Hagar, Abraham’s wife, took her son, Ishmael and traveled towards (Jerusalem; Egypt; Beersheba; Oklahoma). Beersheba – Gen. 21:14

Abraham took Isaac and traveled from Hebron towards (Jehovah-jireh; Jerusalem; Moriah; Mobile). 22:2;14

Rebekah journeyed with Eleazar to Canaan from her home in (Ur; Damascus; Haran; Babylon). Haran

Because of a famine, Isaac journeyed to (Egypt; Gerar; the Mediterranean; Babylon). Gerar – 26:2

In order to find a good wife Jacob journeyed to (Vegas; Salt Lake; Padan-aram; Haran). 27:43; 28:2

Returning home, he traveled from Haran to (Luz; Jerusalem; Bethel; Hebron). Luz & Bethel – Gen. 35:1-6

Looking for this brothers and their sheep, Joseph willingly traveled from Hebron to (Shechem; Dothan; Ur; Bethel). To Shechem and on to Dothan – Gen. 37:14, 17

Joseph made an unwilling journey to (Egypt; Babylon; Gerar; Washington). Egypt

Jacob and his family journeyed to (Egypt; Babylon; Gerar; Washington). Egypt

Moses was born in Egypt but at about forty-years-of-age moved to (Canaan; Midian; Yemen; Babylon). Midian

From there about forty years later Moses journeyed to (the Promised Land; Egypt; Washington; DC). Egypt

When Israel, under the human leadership of Moses, left Egypt, they first went through Elim to (Sin; Sinai; Canaan; the Promised Land). Ex. 16:1 – Wilderness of Sin

After that wilderness, Israel journeyed to (Sinai; Canaan; Edom; Ammon). Sinai

Mount Sinai is between (the Red Sea and Canaan; the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea; the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba; the wilderness and the desert). Two gulfs

The twelve spies of Israel journeyed throughout the Promised Land and returned to the people at Kadesh just south of the land in the wilderness of (Sinai; Sin; Paran; Zin). Paran – Ex 13:26

How long did it take Israel to journey before they entered the Promised Land (6 months; 6 years; 24 months; 40 years).

Would it be possible to call Israel’s wilderness wanderings a “pilgrimage” (yes, no, I don’t know)?

What lead Israel through the wilderness (GPS; headlamps; Jehovah; Pillar of Smoke). Pillar of cloud

To become a part of the lineage of Christ, Ruth journeyed from (Edom to Eschol; Moab to Salt Lake; Sodom to Samaria; Moab to Bethlehem). Ruth 1:19 – Moab to Bethlehem

In order to find his father’s asses, finding instead the will of the Lord, Saul journeyed from Gibeah to (Ramah; Samaria; Jerusalem; Hebron). Ramah – I Sam 16

Generally speaking David journeyed from Bethlehem to Jerusalem through (Samaria; Edom; Egypt; Hebron). Hebron, the capital of Judah at the time

Other stops in David’s journey included (Moab; Moab Junction; Nob; Keilah). Not Junction

In fleeing from his son, Absalom, David traveled (across the western mountains; across the northern mountains; across the Dead Sea; across the Jordan). II Sam. 17:21

A great queen visited Solomon, traveling from (Africa; Northern Arabia; Saudi Arabia; Yemen) Sheba???

Unwittingly dividing the kingdom, Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, journeyed from Jerusalem to (Samaria; Shechem; Hebron; Damascus). Shechem – I Kings 12:1

In order to confront Rehoboam, Jeroboam, the first king of the northern ten tribes, journeyed back from (the land of the Philistines; Egypt; Assyria; Syria). Egypt – I Kings 12:2

In order to defeat the prophets of Baal, Elijah traveled from (Cherith to Carmel; Jerusalem to Samaria; Sinai to Bethel; Hebron to Jerusalem). Cherith to Carmel – I Kings 17:3

Once the victory over the heathen had been won, Elijah went from Carmel (to Jerusalem; to Samaria; to Hebron; to Jezreel). Jezreel – I Kings 18:46

Elijah then went on, first to Beersheba and then to (Horeb; Sinai; Jerusalem; Heaven). Horeb, Sinai

Elijah went to Heaven from (Gilgal; Hebron; east of Jordan; west of Jordan). II Kings 2

In order to be healed of his leprosy by Elisha, Naaman came to Samaria from (Syria, Damascus; Antioch; Assyria). II K. 5:1

His healing required another journey from Samaria to (Jerusalem; Hebron; the Dead Sea; the Jordan).

Israel, the ten northern tribes, went into captivity and were forced to journey into the land of the (Syrians, Babylonians, Chaldeans, Assyrians). Assyria

Judah, and the two tribes with it, went into captivity later and were taken into (Syria, Assyria; Babylon; Chaldea). Babylon or Chaldea

Who lead Israel on their journey back from their captivity (Ezra, Nehemiah, Daniel; David)? None of these

Who lead Judah on their journey back from their captivity (Ezra, Nehemiah, Daniel; David)? Ezra & Neh

New Testament journeys.

Who made the longest journey of the New Testament (Paul, Peter, Christ; Noah)? The incarnation????

Joseph and Mary traveled from Nazareth to (Jerusalem; Bethlehem; Egypt; Nazareth).

Several “wise men” or “magi” came to see the infant Christ, journeying from (Persia; India; Arabia; Pakistan). The east – Matthew 2:2

How many times did Jesus travel from Galilee to Judah (5, 9, 12, 15)? ???????

Who journeyed from Jerusalem to Samaria to preach Christ (Peter; Paul; Stephen; Philip)? Philip – Acts 8:5

Who made a trip to Gaza to preach Christ (Peter; Paul; Stephen; Philip)? Philip – Acts 8:26

Whose journey to Damascus was interrupted by Christ (Peter; Paul; Saul; Philip)?

Who traveled from Joppa to Caesarea to preach Christ (Peter; Paul; Stephen; Philip)? Peter Acts 10

Who journeyed from Jerusalem to Antioch to look at God’s church there (Peter; Stephen; Philip; Barnabas)? Barnabas

Who traveled to Tarsus to find Saul (Peter; Stephen; Philip; Barnabas)? Barnabas – Acts 11:25

Which of Paul’s missionary journey’s took him to Cyprus – his (first; second; third; fourth)? First

Which of Paul’s missionary journey’s took him to Lystra – his (first; second; third; fourth)? First & Second

Which of Paul’s missionary journey’s took him to Melita – his (first; second; third; fourth)? Fourth?

On how many journeys did Paul face shipwreck (one; two; three; four)? Three – II Cor. 11:25

Who went with Paul on his first missionary journey (Peter; Silas; Barnabas; Timothy)? Barnabas

Who went with Paul on his second missionary journey (Peter; Silas; Barnabas; Timothy)? Silas

Who went with Paul on his fourth missionary journey (Peter; Silas; Barnabas; Timothy)? No one