“I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.”

How often is the word “hymn” found in the Bible in one form or other (1; 2; 3; 4)? Four

How often is that word found in the Old Testament? Never

“Hymn” refers to (a melody; song of praise; poetry; rhythm). Song of praise

Approximately how often does the Bible refer to singing (1-50 times; 50-75 times; 75-100 times; 100- 200 times)? Sing – 104 times; Singing – 33 times; Singers – 38 time Sang – 12 times = 197 times???

In God’s Word, is singing usually considered a good thing or bad?

What is the meaning of the word “psalm” (melody; verse; praise; rhythm)? “mizmowr” (miz-more’) melody

Can singing be sinful? Yes

What was the first recorded occasion of evil singing (Noah’s neighbors; Ninevah during Jonah’s day; Cain; the episode of the Golden Calf)? Ex 32:18 It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery…

What was the first Biblical reference to singing (Moses’ Song; Israel before the golden calf; the stars at their creation; Laban after Jacob secretly left his house)? Gen. 31:27

Was Old Testament Hebrew singing a capella? No, they often used instruments

Why then do some sects and cults demand that singing be done without instruments?

Why is singing such a good way to praise God (it takes effort; it takes God-given talents and gifts; it is a good way unify the worshipers; it can be printed, sold and the money given to the poor)? Unity?

What Old Testament book refers to “singers” more than any other (II Ch; Psalms; Isaiah; Nehemiah)? Neh

What Old Testament book speaks of “singing” most often (II Ch; Psalms; Isaiah; Neh)? Psalms

Singing in the Bible.What word in Ps 30:5 could have been translated “singing” but was not – (anger; favour; life; joy)? Joy

God’s saints are commanded to sing of the Lord’s (wondrous works, salvation; righteousness; power). All

“I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt __________________ with me.” Ps 13:6

Psalm 18:49 says that we should confine our singing and praise to (church services; the heathen; the major keys; the saints). We shouldn’t confine our praise at all

When David says “My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise” he means that he is (redeemed; determined; prepared; enabled). Ps 57:7 prepared

“I will praise thee, O Lord, among the ______________: I will sing unto thee among the ______________.”

In Ps. 61 David suggests that he had (learned music; promised; vowed; taken piano lessons) in order to praise the Lord. Vowed

Ps 71 suggests that people can sing to the Lord without (words; good voices; soul; heart). Soul heart

“I will sing of the ________________ of the LORD for _______________: with my _______________ will I make known thy __________________________ to all generations.” Ps. 89:1

Ps. 92 suggests that singing to the Lord is (a requirement in Heaven; a good thing; as easy as pie; essential to salvation). “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name”

In 1 Cor.14 Paul says that we should sing with (gusto; accompaniment; spirit; understanding). I Cor. 14:15

Eph 5 suggests that our songs of praise to God should come from (Nashville; the organ; our hearts; Heaven). 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms, hymns & spiritual songs, singing & making melody in

According to James 5 what should we do when we are afflicted (pray; praise; weep; duck)? Jas 5:13 Pray

What should we do when we are merry (beat ourselves down; look at the troubles of others; praise the Lord; duck because trouble is brewing)? Is any merry? let him sing psalms

Singers in the Bible. David is called “the sweet singer of Israel,” but who sang the first song in the Bible (Asaph; Miriam; Moses; Noah)? Moses

That man’s first song was written to commemorate (deliverance from the flood; deliverance from the Red Sea; deliverance from the Philistines; deliverance from Saul)? Ex. 15:1-19 – from the Red Sea

In that song, what or who did Moses say was his song? “The Lord is my strength and song… salvation

That man’s second song was written just prior to (the giving of the law; the return of the 12 spies; his death; the Lord’s coming)? Deut. 32:1-4 just before the Lord took him

What did God tell Moses to do with this song (cut a demo and send it to Nashville; orchestrate it for a 110 piece orchestra; memorize it; teach it to the nation as a witness against them). Deut. 31:19, 21

Numbers 21 records the song of Israel’s (warriors; well-diggers; judges; women). Well-diggers

Deborah and Barak sang a “duet” after (the birth of their first baby; the Lord’s supper; the defeat of the Philistines; the defeat of Sisera). Jug. 5:1-31

They were praising (themselves; their army; mother nature; the Lord who gave them the victory).

What would you call Hannah’s words in I Samuel 2:1-10 (praise; prayer; hymn; meditation)? Singing?

In I Sam. 18, the women of Israel were singing the praises of (Jehovah; the king; David; Israel’s soldiers).

The servants of what heathen king heard about these songs (Nebuchanezzar; Pharaoh; Achish; Herod)?

Of what unusual singers are spoken in I Chron. 16 (demons of Hell; angels of Heaven; Trees of the wood; fish of the sea)? 16:33 – Then shall the trees of the wood sing out at the presence of the Lord

Who sang at the dedication of the Temple (the Mormon Tabernacle Choir; Asaph; David; a choir of Levites)? Asaph and others accompanied by all the Levites II Chron. 5:11

Solomon is noted for his proverbs; but he also wrote psalms and hymns; how many (about a hundred; about five hundred; about a thousand; about two thousand)? 1Ki 4:32 – his songs were a thousand & five

Who commissioned a choir to lead his army into battle (David; Moses; Jehoshaphat; Asa)? II Chron. 20:20

In Ezra 2 how many of the children of Asaph were considered good singers (28, 68, 88, 128)? 2:41

In Neh. 7 how many of the chilrden of Asaph were considered good singers (68, 88; 128; 148)? 7:44

Who commissioned a choir to sing at the rededication of the Temple (David; Solomon; Jehoshaphat; Hezekiah)? Hez. II Chron. 29:25-30

Job felt that it was his job to make (his sons’; his daughters’; the widows’; the priest’s) hearts to sing for joy. 29:13

What unusual singers are suggested in Ps 65 (heathen; devil; flocks; valleys)? Ps. 65

Isa. 35 says that the lame shall leapd; the wilderness shall fill with water and what kind of people will sing (sinners; righteous; smart; dumb)? 35:6 “The lame man leap as an hart, & the tongue of dumb sing”Who sang praises to God when she learned that Messiah was coming (Anna; Mary; Elizabath; Martha)? Mary

That song is called “the Magnificat” because (some people are silly; that word is found in Luke 1:46-55; that is the Latin translation of “my soul doth magnify;” very few people have any idea why)? Latin

Who sang at the circumcision of John the Baptist (John; the angels; Elizabeth; Zacharias). Lk. 1:68-79

That song is sometimes called “the Benedictus” because (some Pope said so; John said that was its name; it means “praise to God;” that is the Latin for “Blessed be the Lord God). Latin

Where were the disciples when they sang with Christ Jesus (Galilee; Jerusalem; in an upper room; marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion)? Matthew 26:30

Where were Paul and Silas when it is said that they sang to the Lord (Corinth; Philippi; Ephesus; jail)?

Because the days are evil, Christians should redeem their time (giving thanks; submitting to one another; speaking to themselves in psalms; speaking to themselves in hymns and spiritual songs). All – Eph 5:16-21

“Let the ______________ of Christ dwell in you ____________ in all _______________ teaching and admonishing one another in ________________ & ______________ and spiritual songs, _____________ with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Col 3:16

Of whom was Paul speaking when he said, “I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee” (himself; Lucifer; David; Christ Jesus)? Heb. 2:12 Christ

What song will be sung in Heaven by the believers (Amazing Grace; Psalm 119; Moses’ Song; a new song)? Rev. 5:9-10

Choirs can be of any size. What is the largest specific number that we find in the Bible, singing praise to God (10,000,000; 144,000; 135,045; 43,569)/ Rev. 14:1-3

Why will the people of Rev. 15 be singing the Song of Moses in Heaven (they will have passed through the Tribulation; they will be Israelites; they are Antinomians; they will all be former Pharisees)? ??????

What else will they be singing (Amazing Grace; Joy to the world; the Song of the Lamb; the Hallelujah Chorus)? The Song of the Lamb