Hell – Psalm 9:17

Background details about Hell: How many words are translated “hell” in the Old Testament (one; two; three; four)? One- Sheol “Sheol” is translated into (one; two; three; four) English words. Three Those translated words include (lake of fire;...

Heaven – Philippians 3:20

General details about Heaven: How many Hebrew words, in one form or other, are translated “Heaven” in one form or other (one; two; three; four)? Three – galgal; shachag (shak-ak); shamayim (shaw-ya-yim) – primarily the last How many Greek words, in one...

March 20, 2015

Dear Praying and Faithful Brethren, Greetings in Our Lord Who always causeth us to triumph in Christ Jesus (II Cor 2:14). I had mentioned that I was going to do some exams to see how my Multiple Myeloma is going. I received the results the week before last. They...

God – Psalm 14:1

Facts about the nature of God: Ex. 3:13-14 teaches that God is (omnipotent; holy; self-existent; gracious). Self-existent Ps. 50:12 teaches that God is (omnipotent; holy; self-sufficient; omniscient). Self-sufficient Ps. 90:2 teaches that God is (eternal; omnipotent;...

Biblical Gates and Giants – Matthew 7:13-14

Biblical references to Gates: Who met Lot at the gate of Sodom (Abraham; God; a pair of angels; his wife)? Two angels – Gen. 19:1 Why was Lot at the gate (he was the porter; he was a guard; it was a place of fellowship; it was a place of business). We don’t know...

Bible references to Garments

Whose garments, just before he died, were taken from him and were given to his son (Moses; David; Aaron; Jacob)? Aaron – Num. 20:28 Who, at this birth, looked like he was wearing a hairy, red garment (David; Esau; Jacob; Eric)? Gen. 25:25 Whose coat was probably the...

Biblical Fools – Psalm 14:1

The number of Biblical references to “fool” and “fools” totals slightly more than (50, 75, 100, 500)? A hundred According to Young’s Concordance, the Old Testament “fool” could refer to (an evil person; a boaster; a self-confident...

Biblical References to Fire – Jeremiah 23:29

As God promised Abraham that his family would return to Canaan after 400 years in a foreign land, what two things did Abraham see moving between the two pieces of his sacrifices (angels; the Father and the Son; a knife and fork; a smoking fire pot and a fiery lamp)?...

Biblical Famines and Fasting – Amos 8:11

I. Biblical Famines: A. Famines are referred to fairly frequently in the Bible. In the Old Testament we read of them about (a dozen; fifty; a hundred; a thousand) times. A hundred times 1. The Hebrew word is translated most often “famine,” but it is also rendered as...

February 15

Presidente Prudente, Sao Paulo Dear Christian Brethren, Greetings in Our Lord. It was brought to my attention that I had not sent out a prayer letter update for awhile. I could not believe it but this one is the first one this year that I have written. I am sorry for...

Preach the Word

Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. 2Tim.2:10 Blest and Loved, Dear ours in the Christ, David, your family and church of God at you, the grace and blessings of God,...

Biblical Earthquakes and Escapes

Biblical Earthquakes: During creation’s first “recorded” earthquake, what event was taking place (Noah’s flood; Christ’s death; Adam’s expulsion from the garden; the giving of the law)? Ex. 19:18 What other physical phenomena took place that day (thunder...

Diseases and Dreams – Exodus 15:26

The doctrine of Disease (and other physical maladies). The theme of Proverbs, including chapter 4 is (wisdom; grace; salvation; Satan). Wisdom – Prov. 1:2-3; 4:5 Generally speaking, with the blessing of Proverbs, comes (long life; health to their flesh; extreme...