February 2025

Dear Pastor and Brethren, Spanish Outreach Although we have lost the Jose Bautista family, we continue to reach some of the Latino community with our personal contact and gospel tracts. The following names are those persons with whom we have had contact during the...

January 2025

Dear Pastor and Church, As the new year begins, I look back at the blessings of our Lord upon our ministry and my health. During the last year I preached on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and then on some of our Articles of Faith. Such a study was a great blessing to...

December 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren, One would think that all the pressure Mr. Trump is putting on the Latino community would cause them to return to Mexico or their country of origin voluntarily. We have found that not to be true here in the Stillwater community. Our outreach...

November 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren: For the Sundays of the tenth, the seventeenth, and the twenty-fourth of this month we had the following attendance: 9, 7, and eight. The Sunday of the third of November I was sick and could not attend the service. Bro. Gaches, who does the...

October 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Sis. Kim, Sis. Elaine, Sis. LaShonda, and Sis. Connie were all absent from our services three out of four Sundays mostly due to sickness or travel. So our attendance has been low during all the month. Nevertheless, we have had good services...

September 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren Sunday Service Numbers The first Sunday the Lord sent us nine persons to attend the service. The second Sunday the Lord sent us eight people as well as on the third Sunday. The fourth Sunday we had seven in attendance and the fifth Sunday we...

August 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren We are having a drought here in Oklahoma with temperatures often in the hundreds. Please pray with us for rain as well as for spiritual blessings. Only the Lord can provide these needs for us. On the 4th of the month we had two of Bro. Jose...

July 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Many Visitors Sis. Kim asked her friend Stephanie to bring her to the service one Sunday morning and Stephanie did so and came with her. We had seven in the service that morning. Next, Bro. Jose’s sister Elena came to visit him from...

June 2024

Dear Pastor and Church On the thirtieth of June we had a first-time visitor by the name of Noah. He is a junior at OSU studying for an agricultural/business degree. He said that his father is a preacher in a small church down in southeastern Ok, and that he was going...

May 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren, Articles of Faith. I have returned to preaching messages on our Articles of Faith which I had been using for Wednesday evening services when the pandemic shut us down. Those articles are a blessing to us because of their clarity and...

April 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren, The Lord has showered us with many blessings this month! Our attendance for the month was as follows: 13, 5, 9, and 10. We had several visitors, the Wright family from Columbus, Ne., visited with us one Sunday while on their way to see the...

March 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren: A Busy Month with Visitors! We have had several visitors this month. Sis. Kim Williams talked to a young man at the Aldi store inviting him to our services, and he came. He brought a Bible with him and later brought his eight-year-old son and...

February 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Bible Studies Month                As I am in the work of finishing the preaching on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and preaching precisely on, “The Holy Spirit’s Divine Work in the Preservation of the Holy Scriptures,” I find people who...

January 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Beginning a New Year!              As I was reviewing all that has happened over the last year, the blessings we have received would have been impossible without the intervention of the Lord in our affairs. We have a new member in the mission...

December 2023

Dear Pastor and Brethren, From time to time, the Lord places us under physical circumstances that overcome us.  Since the day after Thanksgiving until now we have been sick with some type of respiratory infection that does not seem to follow any of the declared...