Jun 14, 2021 | Sunday Evening
The early days of the church in Jerusalem were as unique as they were exciting. People were being converted in prodigious numbers – unparalleled at any point since. And after the ascension of Christ a pair of God’s angels offered wonderful encouragement to the eleven,...
Jun 10, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
In my reading of early Baptist history in this country, some names often come up – Shubal Sterns, Daniel Marshal, and John Gano, for example. But Joseph Breed is not usually one of them. The Great Awakening brought many true converts into the Congregational churches...
Jun 6, 2021 | Sunday Morning
Most of you are familiar with the Lord’s parable of the prodigal son. This morning, I would like to apply that story in a slightly different way than usual. And ultimately, I’d like to consider the Biblical doctrine of ADOPTION. One of the books I am currently reading...
Jun 3, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
John Waller, a Virginian, was raised in the Episcopal denomination. It is said that he was a brilliant and well-educated student, but in subsequent the years he became somewhat dissipated, eventually earning the nickname “Swearing Jack Waller.” One day, as a member of...
May 27, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
George Pearcy, was born in the year 1813. He was raised in a Christian home and was born again while still a teenager. He yearned to be of service to his Saviour, but because his family was poor, he was unable to finish his education until he was thirty years old,...
May 24, 2021 | Sunday Evening
When the Lord saved me, more than 50 years ago, I joined a church which taught that the scriptures we just read should be understood simply and directly. I was told that all scripture should be interpreted literally, unless some passage was obviously meant to be...