Greetings and Salutations – I Peter 1:1-2

We are beginning this evening, what I hope will be, a two pronged study. Since I have only a couple more decades of ministry ahead of me, and there is so much Biblical material, I’m going to try to combine two subjects in this study: the life of Peter and Peter’s...

The Three Appearances of Christ – Hebrews 9:23-28

A study of the Book of Hebrews is as intricate a study as Astrophysics. Astrophysics is the branch of science that deals with the physics of stellar phenomena. It is the study of things so mysterious and so far away there are new discoveries almost every day. But much...

January 23

When I read that on this day in 1881 Charles Tupper died, my heart leaped just a bit, because as every educated Canadian knows, Charles Tupper was one of Canada’s “Fathers of Confederation,” serving as that country’s sixth Prime Minister. But when I saw that Prime...

The Elijaic Ministry – Malachi 4:5-6

As we wrap up our study of Malachi, I don’t want you to move on thinking ONLY that this is the last book of the Old Testament. Of course it is, but… There were no more books added to the canon of scripture until we turn the page into the New Testament. Sometimes...

December 2021

Faithful Attendee Dies Bro. Alvin Christian went to be with the Lord sometime between Dec.1st. and Dec. 5th of this year. Roxanne and I had been picking him up and taking him home each service for several weeks before his passing. We were awaiting his phone call on...

January 16

Hezekiah Harman was born on this day in 1763 in Chatham county North Carolina. His father was the county sheriff, and young Hezekiah grew up very familiar with the firearms of his day. When he was seventeen years old he picked up his long gun and joined the state...

Remember – Malachi 4:1-6

If you were to describe the conclusion of this book, would you say it was moving in an upward direction? Does it reach a conclusion, or does it simply stop? Would you say that these last verses excite you, or does is leave you hanging, wanting more? Does it end in a...

The Day of the Lord, Part Two – Malachi 4:1-3

I don’t remember which year it was, but I do remember the season: it was early Autumn. Our brethren in Colorado were organizing as a church, and I was invited to participate. Steve and Kathy Kjeldgaard accompanied Judy and me. Sunday evening, after the organizational...

The Day of the Lord, Part One – Malachi 4:1-3

On Israel’s greatest Pentecost, Peter and the others stood before a large crowd in the court yard of the temple. When some smart alecks accused the brethren of being full of new wine, Peter replied, “These are not drunken as ye suppose…. But this is that which...

January 9

I wonder if in Heaven we will learn about all those who suffered and died for the cause of Christ. Or will we be so focused on the Lord and His blessings that such matters will not be discussed. If not then, at least now, we need to be stirred by the sufferings of our...