Edmond Botsford was born again under the ministry of Oliver Hart of Charleston, South Carolina. In March, 1773, he was ordained and shortly thereafter he began an itinerant ministry, preaching throughout the Carolinas and Georgia.

On this day in that year (1773) he came to Stephen’s Creek, South Carolina, where he was to meet several people who longed for baptism. There had gathered a large crowd to witness something few had ever seen before – immersion. One lady, a Mrs. Clecker, came forward, but she told the preacher she wasn’t sure that her husband entirely approved of her baptism. Brother Botsford asked her, “Is he present in the congregation?” She answered that he was. The preacher then said in a loud voice, “Mr. Clecker, please come forward. A little German man stepped forward, and the preacher said in a loud voice so that the crowd could hear, “I have reason to hope, Mr. Clecker, that your wife is a believer in Christ, and she desires to be baptized by immersion, but not without consent. Have you any objection to make, sir?” The man said, “No, No! Got forpit I should hinter my vife! She iss one goot vife.” He then stepped back and melted back into the crowd.

Unknown to the preacher, Clecker was furious, not at his wife, but that he was made to stand before the crowd to be interrogated. Under his breath he was heard swearing and abusing the preacher. “Vat! Ax me pefore all de peeble if he might tip my vife!” The service then went on, but the preacher knew nothing of the man’s anger.

After the service and when the people had disbursed, Bro. Botsford was heading to the home of his host when he saw the little man leaning against a tree apparently in some distress. He asked, “Mr. Clecker, what is the matter?” “O sir, I shall go to de tivel, and my vife to hevin. I am a boor lost sinner. I can’t be forgifen. I fear de ground will open and let me down to de hell, for I cursed and svore you vas good for notting. Lord, have mercy on me.” Brother Botsford professed that he was not upset with the man for his anger, but it did prove that he was a sinner in the sight of God. In a short while he was able to show him that there is forgiveness and salvation from sin in the grace of Almighty God and the sacrifice made on the cross. The man in his broken English confessed his repentance and faith in Christ.

Two months later Botsford had the joy of baptizing the man as a testimony of his faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ for sin.