Marach 2022

Dear Pastor and Brethren, A New Visitor A new visitor has come to our services twice. Her name is Kim Williams. She professes to know the Lord and comes from a church in Virginia. She works for OSU here in town, and lives with her son, Matthew, who is working on his...

April 24

On this day in 1854 James Voller preached his first message as pastor of the Bathhurst Baptist Church in Sydney, Australia. It was only twenty-three years earlier that the first Baptist worship service was given to the Lord in that country. Something which made...

Calling on the Father – First Peter 1:17

The Lord Jesus was in the midst of His short period of public popularity. The last verse of Matthew 4 tells us that “great multitudes of people” followed Him. At that time He was in northern Galilee, but people came from as far away as Jerusalem and Judea. In order to...

Called to be Different – First Peter 1:14-16

Let’s say there is someone living in the White House whom you really like. You agree with his life-style, his politics, his foreign policy and his domestic agenda. The man is not just a professed Christian; it looks like he really is a child of God. Then one day your...

April 17

For several reasons, I rarely present anyone from the 20th century in these little histories. Today, I’m going to make an exception. Florence Almen had been serving in a Baptist mission in French Equatorial Africa. After a short furlough in America she bought passage...

Princes and Princesses – First Peter 1:14

I no longer feel the same way, but when I was a child I had a silly dream; a wish. I dreamed about trading places with the eldest son of Elizabeth II, the Queen of England. Remember, I am a Canadian and my parents were loyalists. My father was born in England and both...

April 10

Joshua Morse was born on this day in 1726 when his parents were living in the colony of Rhode Island. Even though his grandfather was a Baptist, his parents were not, and Joshua was not raised in the light of the Word of God. Nevertheless, at the age of sixteen he...

The Recommended Response – First Peter 1:13

Picture yourself on a walk to the park with your tiny, toy poodle. (It may take a lot of imagination.) Ahead you see a mother with a 6-year-old child, and the child is holding the leash of a 90lb. pit bull terrier. The dog sees you and your dog, bearing its teeth,...