Alexander Campbell is most infamously known for teaching that baptism is a condition of salvation. This ultimately helped to found the Disciples of Christ denomination and indirectly others as well. But baptismal regeneration was not his only attack upon the truth. He was also adamantly against evangelical missions. Campbell and the primitive Baptist, Daniel Parker, did great harm to churches during the middle part of the 19th century with their “anti-missionary movement.”

In contrast to Campbell, Francis Moore was the pastor of the Baptist church at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia. He firmly believed in the sovereignty of God, just like William Carey and Adoniram Judson, but at the same time he supported foreign and home missions and faithfully urged the lost to trust Christ the Saviour. His evangelistic leadership was instrumental in starting other churches throughout Virginia.

Even before Campbell’s heresy was well known, Pastor Moore, in 1824, warned of the severe results of following this theology: “Many of the Baptist denomination are preparing to receive the most baneful heresies, as Mr. Campbell has commenced a crusade against benevolent operations (missions), and by the ridicule he is casting upon these efforts, he will induce many to follow him upon that ground, and having thus gained their confidence, a favorable opportunity will be furnished to lead them into the most dangerous errors. He has commenced a voyage on the ocean of speculation without helm or compass, and many will follow him to their sorrow. There is a desire on his part to be the inventor of new things, but mark it, he will revive some old exploded errors.”

Francis Moore was born on this day in 1766.