Lucifer’s Luster, Lunacy and Legacy – Ezekiel 28:11-19

We have recently been reintroduced to Satan and to the part he played in the fall of man. That is extremely important theology, because it tells us how you and I became sinners. We are not sinners because we sin. We inherited sin from our first parents. I know that it...

December 15

Leonard Verduin is the author of “The Reformers and their Step Children.”  It is a book to which I have referred many times over the years.  Verduin was not a Baptist but a part of the Christian Reformed Denomination, and yet his honest histories strengthen the...

On Pleasing the Lord – I Thessalonians 4:1

This is a very strongly worded sentence. Paul says, “In addition to all that I have just written, I beseech you, and I exhort you… “I exhort you – not in my authority as an apostle, but in the Name of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ… “It is your duty,...

Amen, oh my!  –  Revelation 7:9-12

This message doesn’t directly apply to some of you.  In fact, I am preaching to myself as much as anyone else this afternoon.  And this points out the fact that there has never been, and never will be, a perfect church on earth.  Certainly, if the pastor of one of the...

Christ Jesus, the GOAT – Matthew 12:29-32

There is an acronym which has been flying around more frequently than I remember in the past. It was created sometime in the 90’s, so it has been with us for about thirty years. I am referring to “GOAT” which has come to represent the “Greatest of All Time.” A...

December 8

Morgan John Rhees was born on this day in 1760 in Glamorganshire, Wales. The Lord became his Saviour when he was quite young, and when the Lord called him into His ministry, he made preparations by attending the Bristol Baptist College. After his graduation, he became...

Six Wings of a Seraphim – Isaiah 6:1-3

The first temptation Satan ever laid before a human heart, has become his most persistent temptation. From day two up to this moment, Satan’s most common enticement to sin has been: “Yea, hath God said?” We have to fight against this in many different areas of our...

Davidic Anthropology – Psalm 139:14-24

In the light of our reexamination of God’s creation in Genesis, I thought this Psalm would an appropriate codicil. Perhaps there isn’t a distinct division, but generally speaking, in the first half of this Psalm we have a statement of David’s theology, and in the...

Prepare to Meet Thy God – Amos 4:12-13

Jim, one of our recent visitors, was telling me that in downtown Spokane, across the street from the main bus terminal, there is a street evangelist with a microphone. He isn’t permitted onto city property, but from a few yards away he shares the gospel with people...

December 1

John Mason Peck and his wife left their home in the East to travel into the wilderness of the American Midwest.  On his day in 1817, after 129 days of travel by wagon, on foot and by boat, they reached St. Louis, Missouri.  The trip had taken its toll on the future...