My library includes the seventeen volume set of Alexander McLaren’s “Expositions of Holy Scriptures.” That set contains messages from Genesis to Revelation. Many of them have been a great blessing to me. Most of Brother McLaren’s ministry was spent at the Union...

Paul the Prisoner – Ephesians 4:1

Yesterday, I spent an hour or so looking at the timeline of the life of Paul the Apostle. I was trying to put into my mind the relationship between Paul’s years of free and open ministry to the amount of time he spent in jail. About a dozen times, in his epistles,...

Coals of Fire – Proverbs 14:30; 23:17

I am giving this message the title: “Coals of Fire.” You might think this theme comes from a relatively familiar phrase which I didn’t read from Proverbs. Romans 12:20 exhorts the Christian saying, “If thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in...

Our Ineradicable, Perdurable Saviour – Hebrews 13:8

Pray for me, and pray for yourselves, that we might grasp some of the profound lessons contained in our text. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” I was thinking about this verse Wednesday, when I said the Lord hadn’t given me a subject for...

February 4

In February 1755, George Whitefield, preached in New Bern, North Carolina. He later wrote that his hearers were totally indifferent. His time there appeared to be wasted, but it did give him fuel to pray that God would miraculously intercede on the city’s behalf. It...

God to Go – Psalm 121

You will notice from its inscription that this is one of the “Songs of Degrees.” There are fifteen of these in our Bibles – one tenth of all the Psalms. But I wonder how many Christians know what makes them special? The truth is: there is some disagreement among the...

Sowing Bad Seed – Proverbs 6:16-19

This evening we will return to the short series, which this week, I entitled: “Sins among the Saints.” Many people in our quasi-Christian world think “saints” are sinless people, but true Christians know better. “Saints” are nothing more than sinners whom the Lord has...

Spiritual Recovery – Revelation 5:6-10

I’d like to start this morning by trying to paint a picture. Despite being common, I hope it will never be true of you, even though I’m painting you into the foreground. Your car has quit. You have no savings. You can’t afford to buy another vehicle. Sadly, because of...

January 28

You have heard me speak of Shubal Stearns several times. That man was born on this day in 1745. He was raised in the Congregational religion, but he was saved through the influence of the one-eyed, Anglican Methodist, George Whitefield. Eventually he came to...

The God to Whom We Pray – I Timothy 6:13-16

In a few minutes we will be going to prayer. Once in a while, when we do that, we need to ask ourselves: “To whom is it that I am praying?” There are millions of people praying to deities which aren’t deities at all – they are idols, ideas or ideologies. So we need to...