Aug 7, 2023 | Sunday Evening
We have had many references lately to Hebrews 11 – Paul’s great study of faith. One of the highlights of that chapter is verse 6 – “But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them...
Aug 6, 2023 | Sunday Morning
The Gospel of John goes out of its way to show us the Lord Jesus in an especially brilliant light. It puts the eternal Son of God in the spotlight – particularly in the spotlight of His divine glory. I wouldn’t say that the other gospels don’t also do that, but they...
Aug 3, 2023 | This Sunday in Baptist History
Today, I am going to combine our history vignette with our testimony of the day. Jesse Babcock Worden was born on July 18, 1787, into a Christian home. He was the youngest of nine children. Because of his large family, and because there were no schools there in...
Jul 31, 2023 | Sunday Evening
(How can different people read one passage of Scripture and reach drastically different interpretations? One explanation is that we all have a storehouse of information tucked away in our heads and hearts. And as we are reading, those definitions we have learned, and...
Jul 30, 2023 | Sunday Morning
I was visiting with our camp speaker, and he asked me what I was considering for this morning’s message. I told him that I was thinking about “Moses’ Choice.” Out of blue he completely changed the trajectory of my thoughts. He asked, “Don’t you get nervous using some...
Jul 29, 2023 | This Sunday in Baptist History
Thomas Patient was born in England. After attending either Cambridge or Oxford and becoming a Congregational minister, he came to America to serve the Lord in an atmosphere of freedom. While here, he discovered that he hadn’t been scripturally baptized, so he turned...
Jul 23, 2023 | Sunday Evening
It is easy for a pastor to assume that his church members all believe the cardinal doctrines of that church. For example, he might think that everyone is expecting the imminent return of Christ, and everyone is convinced of the absolute sovereignty of God. Everyone...
Jul 20, 2023 | This Sunday in Baptist History
By the middle of the 16th century the Dutch city of Nijmegen had become famous for its weaving industry, and the family of Jan Block had become wealthy in that trade. Jan became a local celebrity, well-known for his lifestyle of sin and partying. Attracted to this...