October 8

On this day in 1664, the Baptist pastor, Benjamin Keach was found guilty and sentenced to a fortnight in jail and a day in a public pillory for what he wrote and published in a children’s book, entitled, “The Child’s Instructor.” The charge against Keach stated, “Thou...

A Psalm for the Sons of Korah (Part 3) – Psalm 84:9-12

Every time I have read this Psalm over the last three weeks, I have seen new things. We must never think that we have intellectually conquered any portion of the infinite Word of God. Perhaps one of our occupations in Heaven will be mastering new material from the...

Spiritual Discontentment – I Timothy 6:1-12

  Let’s think about attitudes this evening; particularly the attitude of discontentment – dissatisfaction. As we begin, some people may be thinking that this is going to be a negative message. Certainly some aspects of discontentedness are sinfully evil. But at...

At the Father’s Right Hand   –  Ephesians 1:15-23

The words of this scripture can be made into a pretty good homiletical outline – but I won’t use it today.  Paul prayed for wisdom to understand the will of God in three areas:  The hope of our Heavenly calling – verse 18.  The riches of the glory of His inheritance...

October 1

In about the year 1808 the first Baptists immigrated into southern Alabama. Holcombe, one of the earliest Baptist historians tells us that the meeting houses were more like wigwams than anything else, and the preachers often preferred to stand outside under the trees...

A Psalm for the Sons of Korah (Part 2) – Psalm 84:5-8

John Bunyan, the Baptist preacher, wrote more than one book – several of which became immensely popular. His 1666 autobiography, “Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners,” is well worth reading. He also wrote more than one extended allegory, including “The Holy War.”...

August 2023

Dear Pastor and Brethren: Three New Visitors! Since the educational systems are starting their fall schedules here in the Stillwater area, we were blessed with three college-age visitors the last Sunday in August. Rhiaynn, Jacob, and Logan were seated in the...

Praying for Salvation

Theologians argue with non-theological evangelists whether prayer is a part of the “formula” for salvation. The Bible says such things as: “For by grace are ye saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: it is the gift of God, not of works...

September 24 in Baptist History

It has been said that Baptists don’t, or didn’t, believe in an educated ministry. While there have been a small minority bearing the Baptist name who believed that ministers should rely on the Holy Spirit alone, to the exclusion of teachers and reference books, and...