The Parable of the Ten Virgins – Matthew 25:1-13

Let’s say that several of us were out on a walk together, and we saw a large cherry tree. Each of us might think of something different as we looked at that tree. One lady might see those cherries and think of all the pies that she could make. Someone else might think...

Eternal Promises – Matthew 24:32-35

I feel led of the Lord to spend one more day looking at Matthew 24. But these two messages will be more topical than expositional. I’ll be pulling a couple thoughts out of the context, but not really studying the context itself. But that doesn’t mean that we should...

The Second Second Coming – Matthew 24:27-31

I can’t tell you how many different scriptures there are describing the Lord’s second coming. Perhaps, instead of “second coming” I should simply say, “the Lord’s coming” or maybe “parousia.” Because some scriptures blend what we...

Preaching the Kingdom Gospel – Matthew 24:14

Matthew 24 is a shovel full of precious ore. As I said last week, it contains informational gold about the last days – the Tribulation. But there are also flecks of silver in here and even some platinum – for our immediate use. At times we are quite sure that the Lord...

Silver and Gold – Matthew 24:8-13

This chapter is much like gold-bearing ore. Quite often where there is gold, there is also silver – a valuable mineral, but not as valuable as gold. When the two are found together, steps have to be taken to separate them for commercial purposes. In the ancient world...

Destruction of the Best – Matthew 24:1-2

The Lord Jesus and His disciples were exiting Herod’s Temple for the last time. As He was leaving, He said to the Pharisees, “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.” Then at some point, while looking back “one of this disciples saith unto him,...

Posthumous Proof – Matthew 23:25-28

Using the words of the Lord Jesus, we have been berating the Pharisees for the last several weeks. Our focus has been narrowed to one group of people, and since that was the focus of Christ, we have not done anything amiss. “Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees,...

Fools as well as Hypocrites – Matthew 23:13-15

I haven’t mentioned it recently, but you should know that “hypocrite” is a transliteration, not a translation. In the Greek Bible, Matthew 23 is filled with the word “hupokrites” (hoop-ok-ree-tace’). For whatever reason, our translators just...

Antidote for Phariseeism – Matthew 23:8-12

There are Bible subjects which cannot be preached too often. For example, a proper presentation of the Gospel cannot be preached too much, although the approach ought to be changed as often as possible. And, of course, the Lord Jesus Himself cannot be studied too...

One is Your Master – Matthew 23:8-10

The Lord Jesus was in one of the courtyards of the temple in Jerusalem. This was one of the last days of His life and ministry before His crucifixion coming up on Wednesday. After verbally sparing & defeating the Sadducees, He had just done the same again with...

Reprehensible Representatives – Matthew 23:1-12

Let’s say that you were raised by non-religious parents in a thoroughly secular home. You have been taught the principles of evolution; you believe that life began with a big bang or something. Saturated with a non-Christian world-view, you have grown up anticipating...