Apr 25, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
Can we agree that at the time of the close of the Book of Acts, all the so-called “Christian churches” were true churches of the Lord? Can we agree that the only religious “ecclesia” using the name of “Christ” were assemblies of...
Apr 17, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
This is the third, and probably the last part of the transition in this series of messages. Our theme has been and will continue to be the names and titles which have been applied to God’s people. Up until two weeks ago, we were looking at a dozen or so which come to...
Apr 11, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
I called last week’s message “God’s People are a Part of Society.” But tonight I want to turn that inside out with the title “God’s People are Outside Common Society.” Here in John 17 we have the true “Lord’s Prayer.” It is an...
Apr 11, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
God’s People are Outside Common Society – John 17:1-26 I called last week’s message “God’s People are a Part of Society.” But tonight I want to turn that inside out with the title “God’s People are Outside Common Society.” Here in John 17 we...
Apr 4, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
Tonight we are taking our study of the names and titles of God’s people and turning a sharp 90 degrees. This is a transitional message, and it might seem to be completely off the subject, but we will come back. This is where I intended to begin five or six months ago....
Mar 28, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
Those of you who were able to stay awake through last week’s afternoon message, might remember that our scripture for this evening takes up where last week’s scripture left off. And I will begin with essentially the same introduction. Even though this epistle is...
Mar 20, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
To whom was this letter – this epistle – written? There is no doubt but that it was written to the church in Corinth. I hope that you and I have no problem understanding that a church is not a physical building. This letter was not written and mailed to post office...
Mar 14, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
I can’t say that all of our Lord Jesus’ sermons were developed just like this Sermon on the Mount. But it appears that this message was developed in much the same way that I usually develop mine. There was an introduction, and now we are in the second subdivision of...
Mar 7, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
Our scripture is just one point in Christ’s Sermon on the Mount. And one of the critical things to remember when studying and interpreting this Sermon is – the audience. It was preached to Christ’s disciples; God’s saints; Jesus’ spiritual brethren; His servants; His...
Feb 29, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
The word “sheep” is found many times in both testaments – 41 times in the New Testament. Several times it is applied to us but prefaced with the word “as.” “Behold, I send you forth AS sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as...
Feb 21, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
There is an immensely popular PBS television series called “Downton Abbey.” It has been running for five years, and according to some accounts, it is the most watched series in world. It tells the story of the Crawley family, the father of which, Robert...
Feb 15, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
This is our fifth message in this series. One theme which has come up in each lesson thus far has been “worthiness.” It is not whether or not the lessons are worthwhile, because I am convinced that they are – to me if not to anyone else. Rather than...
Feb 8, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
I have here a little envelope – an envelope which is over 120 years old. My grandmother was a little girl when this was put into the Canadian mail system. It is a bit stained and has a few smudges of dirt, but it is a nice little cover. It is addressed to a Mr. Harris...
Feb 1, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
Thus far we have looked at ourselves through the titles – “disciples,” “saints” and “brethren.” I have been trying, in these three messages, to distinguish between titles and descriptions. There may be a fine line between these two,...
Jan 17, 2016 | God's People Are ..., Sunday Evening
Thus far in our study we have looked at two of the most common titles which are applied to God’s people. I think it is interesting how widely divergent all of these titles are, even though they are applied to the same group of people. Obviously, they are designed to...