Jan 27, 2020 | Sunday Evening
The subjects of “Global Warming” and “Climate Change” are pervasive – they are everywhere. “Global warming” came up in conversation on Wednesday right here as the rain washed some snow off the church roof. It is on the news; it’s a part of the weather report; TV’s...
Jan 26, 2020 | Sunday Morning
All of us know what it is to be late – late for an appointment; late for work; late for church. Some us know it more intimately than others. There are cultures where it is expected that people should to be late. Some people have linked the words...
Jan 26, 2020 | Timothy Parrow
Dear Pastor and Brethren: A Brief Summary of the Blessings of 2019 With the prospects of a new year before us, I think it would be profitable to see a summary of the Lord’s blessings during the old year. During 2019 the Lord sent us thirty first-time visitors to our...
Jan 23, 2020 | This Sunday in Baptist History
Britain’s “Act of Toleration,” enacted in 1689, ended a period of severe persecution against the Baptists in that country, but it did not provide all that Christ’s churches taught or deserved. While it was no longer compulsory to attend the services of the Church of...
Jan 19, 2020 | Sunday Evening
As your pastor and the primary preacher/teacher here for 29 years – one of my fears is“tediousness.” For example, I often preach the gospel, but there are only so many ways in which it can be done, and I work hard not to say the same things in the same way all the...
Jan 18, 2020 | This Sunday in Baptist History
Our subject this morning was a man with a very unique and interesting name; it is theological and prophetical. His family name was Noel, which you probably know means “Birth of God.” This man was born in England in 1799 and was raised in the Church of England. The...
Jan 16, 2020 | Lessons on Bible Trivia
Our subject this morning was a man with a very unique and interesting name; it is theological and prophetical. His family name was Noel, which you probably know means “Birth of God.” This man was born in England in 1799 and was raised in the Church of England. The...
Jan 13, 2020 | Sunday Evening
I’d like to talk to you tonight about “Expectations.” I almost preached this message last Sunday evening, but the Lord led me instead to “Patient Urgency.” And then this week this almost devolved into merely the introduction to a different message. If I go ahead with...