Ejaculatory Prayer – Nehemiah 2:1-8

A couple weeks ago I mentioned that there are several different kinds of prayer – legitimate prayer to God. Let me expand on that. There are those prayers of the closet – your alone time with God – informal, personal, intimate. Then there are the prayers of the church...

What Makes You Sad? – Nehemiah 2:1-3

The books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther should be studied together or in succession, because they are interrelated and interlocked. The Book of Nehemiah follows the Book of Ezra in time, and Ezra, the man, is found in both books. Artaxerxes is named in two of the...

May 31

John Bryce was born of Scotish parents in Goochland County, Virginia on this day (May 31) in 1784. He was raised in the Episcopal Church, but at the age of 21 he came under conviction through the preaching of Andrew Broadus and upon his profession of faith united with...

April Report

April Foolishness I thought that the first day of April was April Fools’ Day??? It seems like the whole month of April has become a month of medical, social, economic, and political foolishness. Who are those among us that thought that quarantining a complete...

Yearning to Fear – Nehemiah 1:4-11

There is a phrase toward the of Nehemiah’s prayer which is somewhat astonishing to some 21st century ears. Before he asks, “Grant me mercy in sight of Artaxerxes,” he says that he is among other godly people. That isn’t surprising or astonishing because God has always...

The King’s Cupbearer – Nehemiah 1:11

“Why are you here in this auditorium this morning?” Or, why, instead of gardening or working on your vehicle are you sitting in front of a screen watching this broadcast of our church service? The simple answer is that the sovereign God ordained that it be so. And in...

May 24

King James II of England was a Roman Catholic, but his daughter Mary was not. Mary married a Dutch Protestant named William, and with the providential hand of God upon them, William and Mary became the rulers of England. It was called “the glorious revolution.” The...

The Regathering – Nehemiah 1:8-9

I. Introduction: A. When David was fleeing from Saul, he didn’t have all the spiritual helps that are available to us. 1. As Bro. Fulton has told us, he didn’t have strong Christian brethren or a church with which to fellowship. 2. And we have no way of knowing how...

Sin, the Reason for Destruction – Nehemiah 1:4-11

I. Introduction: A. I have said a couple of times in our first three messages that the theme of Nehemiah’s book is “restoration.” 1. Nehemiah said to King Artaxerxes that he was intensely sad because, “the place of my father’s sepulchres lieth waste, and the gates...

May 17

Charles Luther was born on this day in the year 1847. Even though he was raised in a godly home, he was not born again until his senior year at Brown University. Charles grew up with a love for journalism and for a time he worked on a newspaper in Springfield,...