Dear Pastor and Brethren:
Midweek Services Renewed

We began our midweek services again but now we are having them on Wednesday night instead of Thursday night. We originally held our midweek service on Thursdays because Bro. Dick and Connie Gaches held services at the state prison on Wednesday evenings. However, the prison authorities closed down the state prison and the Gaches are no longer holding services at all in the prison. Thus we moved our midweek services up to the Wednesday evening time which seems to be a more comfortable for all who are interested. Furthermore our Lord was crucified on Wednesday and so to honor Him, Wednesday evening is the best time to hold a service. Our first service on the sixteenth was blessed with eleven in attendance which included two visitors. Our service on the twenty-third was attended by ten people giving us a good start to our new  midweek services.
Reporting Our Numbers
Sunday the sixth, the Lord blessed us with nine people in our morning service. Sunday the thirteenth, the Lord blessed us with fifteen people. Sunday the twentieth the Lord blessed us with ten visitors, and on Sunday the twenty-seventh, the Lord blessed us with sixteen visitors. The problem with all of these visitors is that none of them desire at this time to become members of the mission. There seems to be no desire on the part of these folks to take upon themselves the responsibilities associated with being a member of one of the Lord’s churches. Please pray with us about this phenomena. Most of these visitors claim to be born again but fail to understand the importance of church membership. They seem to be growing spiritually and enjoying the study of God’s Word but are not willing to be scripturally baptized or willing to give tithes and offerings to support the ministry.
Reporting Some Names for Prayer
Bro. Ruben Torres’ estranged wife has visited the services with her ex-husband three times. Her new boyfriend beat her up and broke her collarbone. She now is living again with her husband, Ruben, and their children because of her fear of her boyfriend and her need to recuperate. She needs to be truly regenerated but thinks she is saved as the result of saying a prayer in an easy believism religious society here in Stillwater. Other names are Denise Park, Kelly Swanson, both who came together for two services claiming that they liked the preaching. Other visitors were children who attended Sis. Roxanne’s Sunday School class.
By His grace and in loving gratitude,

Tim and Roxanne Parrow