Jul 16, 2020 | Lessons on Bible Trivia
It was Christmas day in 1766, in a poor Welsh home, that a baby boy was born. His parents decided to name him Christmas. As a child, after the death of his father, Christmas Evans had no opportunity for an education. When he was fifteen he still could not read. But at...
Jul 13, 2020 | Sunday Evening
Are you familiar with Shakespeare’s famous soliloquy from Hamlet? You may think you’re not, but I am reasonably sure you have heard some of it. It goes like this: “To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The...
Jul 12, 2020 | Sunday Morning
William Parkinson, was a 3 term chaplain of the United States House of Representatives, and after that he became pastor of the First Baptist Church of New York. Long before, and shortly after his salvation, he was traveling on business, when he heard that a...
Jul 9, 2020 | This Sunday in Baptist History
Algerius was born in Naples, Italy, into a Catholic family of wealth and privilege, so the young man was given a good education. Those were the days of the Protestant Reformation, so while in seminary, preparing for the priesthood, he and other students often talked...
Jul 6, 2020 | Sunday Evening
The Book of Nehemiah is a very practical and useful book. For example, thus far in our 15 lessons we’ve had a couple of messages on prayer. There have been two lessons on the common maladies of sadness and depression. We’ve looked at the responsibility of the church,...
Jul 5, 2020 | Sunday Morning
Bro. Fulton and I often joke about one of the common styles of teaching and preaching. Right now, Austin is using the “expository method” in studying David – taking an entire chapter and generally exposing its highlights – while making personal applications. Our study...
Jul 3, 2020 | This Sunday in Baptist History
The account of the whipping of Obadiah Holmes is well-known to most Baptists. John Spur was a witness to the event. He testified that John Cotton was the Puritan preacher and prosecuting attorney in the case. Prior to the sentencing Cotton declared that “denying...
Jun 29, 2020 | Sunday Evening
I don’t know if you have heard, but there is a virus ramping up around the country. There have been about 2.5 million Americans infected and 125,000 deaths, according to one website. Not only is there controversy about those numbers, there are debates about how the...
Jun 28, 2020 | Sunday Morning
Did you know that the coronavirus is a relatively large molecule as viruses go? And yet, I have read, a hundred million corona particles can sit on the head of a pin. And by the way, it usually takes a hundred million of those particles to begin to infect someone....