The First Point in John’s Message – Matthew 3:1-4

There was a man who attended our services off and on for a couple years, but who finally had enough and left. He had strange opinions about a great many things, most of which were conjured up in his own head. I say that because it was nearly impossible to reason with...

August 9

On this day in 1804 John Gano departed this life while at his home near Frankfort, Kentucky. He had spent his long life in the service of his Saviour, first as an itinerant preacher, then as the pastor of two of the most important churches in America at Philadelphia...

Think upon Me, My God – Nehemiah 5:19

With our last message, I was thinking that we’d move on to chapter 6. But I couldn’t get the last verse of this chapter out of my mind. I found it disturbing that Nehemiah would speak to God this way. And this isn’t the only time he prays like this. Nehemiah 13:14 –...

August 2

The father of William Button was a faithful deacon at the church in Horsleydown which was pastored by John Gill. William was saved by God through that church and was baptized the same day as John Ryland, Jr, who later became a well-known Baptist preacher. William...

Ought Ye Not? – Nehemiah 5:11-19

I saw an article the other day which was entitled – “Social Justice; America’s New Religion.” I didn’t take the time to read it, but I thought “Yes, I can see that.” Since casting aside the God of the Bible, Americans have made the creation of new religions one of...

June 2020 Report

A Good Resuming! As I hoped in our May report, we have resumed our Sunday morning service beginning on the seventh of June. As we did not have a Sunday School session the first two Sundays, one of the children asked when we were going to have Sunday School again. So...

July 26

In late 1681 William Screven was given authority by the Baptist church in Boston to attempt to build a church in Maine. Screven took his responsibility seriously, and the following year he asked that the Boston church oversee the organization of an autonomous church...

Keys to Nehemiah’s “Success” – Nehemiah 4:11-23

Have you ever been corrected by one of the religious morality police for referring to “MY church?” “My church meets on the corner of 12th and Spokane” – “My church is a fundamental, landmark congregation” – that sort of thing. Has anyone, dressed in the spotless robes...

He has Gone to Prepare – Matthew 25:31-34

This morning I have the pleasure to consider several of the most beloved scriptures in all the Word of God. What Christian has not been moved at some point in his life by the words of John 14 – “In my father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have...

July 19

It was Christmas day in 1766, in a poor Welsh home, that a baby boy was born. His parents decided to name him Christmas. As a child, after the death of his father, Christmas Evans had no opportunity for an education. When he was fifteen he still could not read. But at...