October 18

Massachusetts and Plymouth were two separate colonies, both established by Protestant dissenters. Over time the Plymouth colony became more amenable towards other faiths, but it was not so in Massachusetts. On this day (October 18) in 1649 the Court of Massachusetts...

Neither Were Mindful – Nehemiah 9:17

As the congregational prayer-leader was led by the Spirit of God that autumn day, he confessed many of Israel’s sins. Despite Jehovah’s blessings on that nation, her citizens had rebelled against the Lord. And now these people in Nehemiah’s day, their children, were...

October 11

John Clark (not John Clarke) was born in 1758 near Inverness, Scotland. His father was a wealthy farmer, which meant that John was given a good education, including Latin and Greek. To the consternation of his mother, John left school and eventually became a sailor....

Deep-seated Theology – Nehemiah 9:5b-38

One of the weaknesses of modern Christians is our lack of God-consciousness – God awareness. How often do we see something equally beautiful, like a flower, a sunset, or a mountain landscape and our minds go to the Creator before thinking of something else? When...

How to Move God to Action – Nehemiah 9:5b-38

As you have seen, this prayer is filled with references to Israel’s history. I will probably not deal with that history other than to say at this point – “Actions have consequences.” Israel proves that even when God’s people sin, they will be punished. God is...

August 2020

Preaching Through the Gospel of John The Lord has blessed us richly through the study and preaching of the Gospel of John. In April of 2014, I began preaching and teaching this book, and next Sunday, Lord willing, I am preaching on the 20th chapter of John, verses 21...

October 4

The first thing any scriptural missionary must do on the field is preach the Word. Once a soul is saved, that missionary should baptize him and then begin to teach him what it is to live for Christ. That third part of the Great Commission eventually necessitates...

The Righteous God – Nehemiah 9:5b-10

I can tell you from experience that the more a person studies the Bible, the more he will see which he has never seen before. Sometimes we learn that our doctrinal perspective is askew. But often there is just new stuff that God has not brought to our attention...

Prayerful Theology – Nehemiah 9:1-7

I wish that I could somehow paint the scene that I have in my head. I picture several thousand hungry eyes resting on the pulpit which had been built in the Water Gate street. Ezra and Nehemiah are standing toward the back of the raised platform, and immediately in...

September 27

Dr. J. H. Campbell said of Humphrey Posey, in his book“Georgia Baptists,” that he was “naturally one of the greatest of men, and for his limited opportunities, one of the greatest preachers he had ever known. His person, his countenance, his voice, the throes of his...