Jan 31, 2021 | Sunday Morning
As you might surmise, I am still building on a message which started two weeks ago. When Joseph and Mary brought the infant Jesus into the temple to give Him to Jehovah, Simeon was there to greet them. He had been looking for the “consolation of Israel” – the comfort...
Jan 28, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
Isaac Dermout was not born a Baptist, and he never became a Baptist. He was a Protestant, born on this day in 1777, and eventually becoming chaplain to the King of the Netherlands. He and Dr. Anne Ypeij, professor of Theology in Gronigen, were commissioned by the king...
Jan 24, 2021 | Sunday Morning
Sister Brenda Roberts and I were joking back and forth on Thursday about the need to learn new things. She is apparently right-handed, and it was her right shoulder which had surgery on Monday. So she is having to learn to do simple, every-day things differently –...
Jan 23, 2021 | Timothy Parrow
Dear Pastor and Brethren: Interesting Development: Years ago, at the beginning of our ministry here, Roxanne and I witnessed unto a young umnarried Mexican couple and helped Jose find employment and them a place to live. They had been living in their car for lack of...
Jan 21, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
American Baptists were introduced to their missionary responsibilities in West Africa through the thousands of slaves who had been kidnaped and brought to this country from that region. Many of the people carried here brought with them the pagan witchcraft of their...
Jan 17, 2021 | Sunday Morning
Thursday I was thinking about a particular subject, trying to prepare it for this morning’s message. After an hour or so, I got side-tracked onto this scripture, and something slightly different developed. I don’t know what the Holy Spirit has in store for us, but...
Jan 15, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
George Blaurock was an Anabaptist who became known for two things – his opposition of infant baptism and his love of music. The first historical reference to this man occurred on this day (Jan. 17) in 1525 during a public discussion of baptism. It was said by...
Jan 11, 2021 | Sunday Evening
While looking through one of my notebooks of sermon seed thoughts, I ran into the words “Seeing Clearly.” I immediately thought, “Ah ha,” here is something to which I can relate. I know what it is to see poorly, nearly not to see at all, and now to see clearly in some...