Mar 28, 2021 | Sunday Morning
My Sunday sermons are not usually motivated by news headlines, but I’m going to make an exception today. Many of you have heard that in Boulder Colorado, last Monday, a man gunned down and killed 10 people. Boulder is about 15 miles, as the crow flies, from the town...
Mar 27, 2021 | Timothy Parrow
Dear Pastor and Brethren: February Freeze We thank the Lord that we are finally thawing out from the February freeze. Such snow and cold weather caused us to have to cancel two Wednesday evening services and a Sunday morning service. Temperatures reached eight degrees...
Mar 25, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
When Jan Wouters van Kuijck was in prison, suffering horrible physical persecution and preparing for his execution because of his belief that salvation was a matter of personal faith in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, he was able to write several letters and...
Mar 21, 2021 | Sunday Morning
Paul had just lambasted the Jews for their hypocrisy and heresy. He knew, from experience, how they highly esteemed their ancestry, and their rites and ceremonies. But for the most part, when it came to spiritual realities they were empty husks. “Ye CANNOT serve the...
Mar 18, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
On this day in 1791, Elder Nathanael Green passed into the presence of his Saviour. Green had been pastor of the Baptist Church in Charlton, Massachusetts for 28 tumultuous years. The congregation went through periods of depression and blessing, including persecution...
Mar 14, 2021 | Sunday Morning
The other day, one of the members came to me, asking why Joshua said in v.19, “Ye cannot serve the Lord.” I hope that you’ll always feel free to bring me your questions. I promise never to make fun of you – or ridicule you for something I think that you should already...
Mar 12, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
On this day in 1773, Theodore S. Harding was born in Barrington, Nova Scotia. After his father died, he was raised by his godly mother. At the age of thirteen Harding was born a second time, and shortly thereafter he felt the call of God to go into the ministry. His...