Like our subject from last week, William Cate was born and raised in East Tennessee, apparently in Sevier County. On this day in 1837, he and his wife, after their public professions of faith in Christ, were immersed and joined the local Baptist church.  Three years...

Essential Musical Elements – Psalm 96:1-4

I wonder if it would be too bold to say that Christians are commanded to sing? I know for a fact that King David often exhorted his citizens to sing and praise the Lord. And the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah did the same. “Sing unto the LORD; for he hath done excellent...

Cognomen of Communion – I Corinthians 10:15-17

In the margin of my King James Bible, editors summarize this paragraph saying: “Sanctity of the Lord’s Supper.” But the words “Lord’s Supper” are not mentioned here in this scripture. It is not until we get to chapter 11, verse 20 that we read about “eating the Lord’s...

December 3

Richard M. Miller is not a name you’ll find in William Cathcart’s 1881 book, “The Baptist Encyclopedia.” Most likely, it is because he didn’t do anything to draw attention to himself. Brother Miller was born on this day in 1815 south of Knoxville, Tennessee, in Sevier...

Saintly Similes – II Timothy 2:1-6

I was going through one of my sermon idea notebooks, and at top of one page there was the word: “Christian.” Beside it was a scripture II Timothy 3. The rest of the page had only six words: “Undistracted soldier;” “Rule-keeping Athlete,” and “Hardworking Farmer.” I...

September 2024

Dear Pastor and Brethren Sunday Service Numbers The first Sunday the Lord sent us nine persons to attend the service. The second Sunday the Lord sent us eight people as well as on the third Sunday. The fourth Sunday we had seven in attendance and the fifth Sunday we...

Essential Service – John 16:1-11

When I was a child, every once in a while I’d see someone who was blind, walking down the street with the help of his seeing-eye dog. Sixty-years ago, that was about the only “Service animal” I’d ever see. But today, things are very different. We can hardly go to the...

October 27 in Baptist History

History tells us that Thomas Goold was used of the Lord to establish the first Baptist church in Boston. It also says that Brother Goold died on this day in 1675. That little body of believers was persecuted by the colonial government and its officially-recognized...

Jesus and His Bible – Matthew 4:4-10

I hope you are reasonably familiar with the Old Testament prophecies about the Lord Jesus Christ. I’ve never counted them, but I have read that there are 333 such prophecies. I remember that because it is such a symmetrical and easily remembered figure. Beyond the...

The Dimensions of God’s Love – Ephesians 3:14-19

I am looking at this theme today because in the love of God we have one of the Lord’s superlatives. There is no more powerful love than God’s love. Nearly all love originates in God’s love. And those for whom the Lord has a special love, He cannot fail to bless for...