Aug 23, 2021 | Scott Silvers
Greetings in Jesus Name, We would like to begin our Spring 2021 update by giving thanks to our Great Savior. 2020 was a year that most of us were glad to put in our rear view. From great social and political problems to the loss of many dear friends and family it was,...
Aug 22, 2021 | Sunday Morning
Before we get into the application of this scripture, please remember the historical context. Malachi, the last of God’s Old Testament prophets, served the Lord after Israel returned from Babylon. Some commentaries place his ministry during the days of Zerubbabel, but...
Aug 19, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
In these days when church after church is throwing aside the name “Baptist,” people need to consider the life and choices of Isaac Backus. On this day (August 22) in 1751, Isaac Backus was dipped into water as a testimony of his faith in Christ. A man who had been...
Aug 15, 2021 | Sunday Evening
This scripture, along with Paul’s explanation and application in Romans 9, are among the most hated passages in the Bible. They are also among the most abused of all scriptures. Then a result of that abuse, they have become some of the most misunderstood by Christians...
Aug 14, 2021 | Timothy Parrow
Dear Pastor and Brethren: Beautiful Service! We had a beautiful service Sunday, the Fourth of July. It was the first time in eleven years that the Fourth of July has fallen on the Lord’s Day. Sis. Gaches sang the first verse of our National Anthem as the congregation...
Aug 12, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
Over the course of several years, there were forty-three different Baptist preachers arrested in Virginia for preaching the gospel. According to historical records, the least among them, the most meek of those preachers was William Webber. He was born on this day...
Aug 8, 2021 | Sunday Morning
The threat of questioned love is often used as a tool for evil. For example, have you ever heard a child, with a whine in his voice, say to one of his parents, “If you loved me, you’d let me do this or that”? “If you loved me you wouldn’t enforce a curfew on the...
Aug 5, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
I am currently reading a book which was highly recommended by Spurgeon – “A Body of Divinity” by Thomas Watson. It is a study and exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith – the first major doctrinal statement of the early Presbyterians. It was produced about...