Dec 19, 2021 | Sunday Evening
It is one thing to hear on the news about the sad, sad state of the world: the effects of sin on our society. But it is another thing to get out into the world and to see it first hand. It is sad to see family members, people we love, terrified at the world’s current...
Dec 19, 2021 | Sunday Evening
Try to picture a gang of thugs in one of the run down areas of Los Angeles, Chicago or New York. They control all the local crime in their neighborhood, including prostitution, drugs, gambling and protection. They are the total masters of their little domain, and the...
Dec 16, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
Lovell Ingalls was serving as a missionary in Burma when his wife died, leaving him with a small family. After he returned to America on furlough, the Lord provided another helpmeet in Marilla, and the couple returned to Burma. Shortly after their arrival, the...
Nov 29, 2021 | Sunday Evening
Back in the days of medieval kings, art was the property of those kings and queens – monarchs only. The common man was so concerned with earning his daily bread that he had little time for beauty. The king commissioned the musicians, and he bought the sculptures. He...
Nov 28, 2021 | Sunday Morning
Most people, especially when they get to be my age, look at their lives as a series of connected units. For some people it is a series of years or decades. Their 40th birthday was celebrated with the color black, as though life is down-hill from that point. But to a...
Nov 27, 2021 | Timothy Parrow
Dear Pastor and Brethren, Difficult Month October has been a difficult month for several of us here attending the mission work. Bro. and Sis. Dick Gaches went to a hospital in Chicago for four weeks to a specialist to operate on Sis. Gaches back due to complications...
Nov 25, 2021 | This Sunday in Baptist History
On this day in 1750 Philip Hughes was born. He was born again and baptized when he was 23 by the Regular Baptist preacher, David Thompson. Then, over time he became a close friend to the Separate Baptist, Elijah Baker. Baker was one of the forty-four who were...