Three Brothers – I Peter 5:12-14

I have been trying really hard to develop this lesson into a sermon, so that I could have something to preach. But with the material before us, this will be little more than a Bible lesson with some teachable material. And yet, I did manage to find three points to...

Standing in Grace – I Peter 5:12

Paul, the other apostle, tells us in Ephesians that God has given to His people, and His churches, a number of different kinds of ministers. “He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the...

December 18

During the first half of the 18th century, the Lord brought spiritual enlightenment to Sweden, creating a polarizing effect in that country. While many souls were saved, even more became incensed, defending their Lutheran religion by persecuting the new converts to...

God of Grace and Glory – I Peter 5:10-11

There are people who like to read the Bible as if it was some mystical collection of allegories. To them very little is black and white. To them just about every other statement must mean something other than what it clearly says. The word “Israel,” for example,...

Your Adversary: the Devil – I Peter 5:8-9

Peter, while in the midst of some practical exhortations, uses a simile to punctuate his lesson. “Your adversary the devil, AS a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” We will get back to the illustration of the lion in a moment, but first… As...

Your Father, the Devil – I Peter 5:8-9

I have a two part message for you today. We will finish up in tonight’s service. This isn’t one long lesson that I’m dividing for convenience’s sake. It has two distinct sections, but they are obviously tied together. Our subject throughout the day will be Peter’s...

December 11

I often describe the persecution against the Baptists during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries here in America, as well as in Britain and a few other places. Going a little astray with this vignette, I turn to Russia and a much more recent date – December 11, 1985....

Care Casting – I Peter 5:6-7

Twenty to twenty-five years ago, Judy and I began to set aside a few dollars every month in the hopes of leaving it to our children should the Lord not take us away together at some point. We established an account with a well-known investment company, and other than...

Indescribably Delicious – II Corinthians 9:15

A lot of people are very interested in the appearance of their bodies, but they don’t care a penny’s worth about the condition or appearance of their souls. They spend thousands of dollars on beauty creams and treatments – injections of gels and poisons. They may even...

December 4

Nathaniel Chambles was born in 1762 in Sussex, Virginia. Even though his parents were faithful and godly Baptists, Nathaniel didn’t see himself as an unworthy sinner and in need of Christ until he was twenty-six. After his conversion he was received into the...