Faith the Only Route to Salvation – Romans 4:23-5:2

As we wind down our series of messages on practical faith, it might have occurred to you that perhaps the most practical and the most important aspect of the subject is our salvation from sin. Certainly nothing is more practical than life and death. Nothing is more...

April 30

Early in its history Connecticut was known as a place of severe persecution against anyone who was not a part of their official Congregational denomination. As a result, the first known Baptist baptism took place in 1767, when Abigail Dorchester testified of her faith...

Sanctified by Faith – Acts 26:13-18

When Paul stood before Festus and Agrippa, he shared with them his testimony of salvation and his commission to minister the gospel of Christ. Keeping in mind a message Austin preached recently, while you notice that Jesus said he was calling Paul, ”To open people’s...

The Reward of Faith – Hebrews 11:5-6

The editor of my Bible has as a title for Hebrews 11. He calls it “The Roll Call of the Heroes of the Faith.” There are a great many eminent servants of God found here. They were not just saints; they were above average saints. And yet it wasn’t because they were...

April 23

In 1528, a report was presented to Emperor Charles V by the Council of the Archbishop of Cologne about the growing number of Anabaptists. The document stated that the Anabaptists call themselves “true Christians,” that they practice baptism by immersion, and they hold...

Trusting Faith – Proverbs 3:5-8

We have a tool at our house that my wife and I call our “grabber.” This three foot long instrument has two rubber-coated claws on one end. On the other end there is a handle with a triggering mechanism to close those claws around various objects. We use it to grab...

Katapult to God’s Blessings – Ephesians 3:14-21

I’ve given this message the title: “Katapult to God’s Blessings,” spelling the word catapult with a “k” not a “c.” I want to give you that up front, to create a little curiosity. But you will have to wait for my explanation. I hope that you are yearning for God’s...

April 16

William Moore was born in 1821. Following his conversion to Christ, his call to the ministry, his marriage, and his ordination, he and Mrs. Moore set sail for Assam on this day in 1849. They served in that country and in Burma for five years before Brother Moore...

The Revival of Faith – II Chronicles 7:12-16

Israel’s King Solomon took the materials prepared by his father, David, and built a magnificent temple in which to worship and serve God. When it was completed, he also had a temporary ten foot high pulpit set up in the temple courtyard. II Chronicles 6:13 says, that...

From Whence Cometh This Faith? – John 20:24-25

In our on-going study of the principles of faith I would like to expand a point made in this morning’s message. Believe me, I am not mad at anyone, even though I might get a little heated about this. This is just one of the basic principles about faith, and therefore...