Taking the Bull by the Horns – Exodus 4:1-5

I’m calling this message,  “Taking the Bull by the Horns,” but there is an obvious slight of hand involved in that. To “take the bull by the horns,” probably originated out in the old west cattle country. Sometimes it was necessary for a cowboy to get up close...

Satanic Imaginations – Matthew 6:24-34

As your pastor and just as fellow Christian, I am in constant need of your prayers – for a great many reasons. Here is another to add to the list: I am thinking of bringing a series of messages on Christian sins. Pray for the Lord’s direction in this. Should I, or...

Gospel of the New Year – I Corinthians 15:1-4

The word “new” is used 131 times in the Bible, from the first chapter in Exodus to the last chapter of Revelation. I took the time, last week, to look at all of those references, jotting down a page of notes. I discovered that the Bible makes no reference whatsoever...

January 7 in Baptist History

William Carey took his wife and family with him to India, where he and his team became pioneer missionaries. Carey had four sons. Three of them were saved by God’s grace and had begun to serve their Saviour – two of which were missionaries themselves. However their...

The Importance of Reality   –   Proverbs 16:19

For some reason, unknown to me, our lesson last Wednesday was relatively well-received on Sermon Audio.  It was heard by at least sixty people from around the world, almost four times as often as is usual for us.  That is in no way an expression of pride, because many...

These Times and God’s Time  – Psalm 31:15

Nearly every verse in this great Psalm could be developed into sermon.  Furthermore, we could take several verses and come up with thoughts for the beginning of a new year.  For example there is verse 3 – “Thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s...

The Last Day – John 7:37-38

Today is the 365th day of 2023; the last day of the year. In asking the Holy Spirit for a message, He laid on my heart the words, “in the last day…” “In the last day, the great day of the feast,” the Lord Jesus cried to the crowds in the temple, “If any man...

December 31

Oliver Hart was born in 1723. As a young man he was born again and joined the Baptist church in Southampton, Pennsylvania. When he was twenty-five, he surrendered to the will of the Lord and was ordained to the gospel ministry. Shortly after that he traveled to...

Obedience’s Most Important Element – Hebrews 11:6-8

For what is Noah best known? If you didn’t assume this was a trick question, wouldn’t you say Noah is best known for building the ark? Extending our answer, we might point to the deluge, which is erroneously called “Noah’s flood.” After a little thought you might say...

Hidden Messages of Christmas – Matthew 1:18-25

At this time of year, every year, we are inundated with cliches. They are on Christmas cards; on billboards and in songs; we hear people repeat them; they are ubiquitous. In addition to the common greetings, we see and hear such things as, “Put Christ back in...