
A lot of books on Systematic Theology begin to speak of the work of Christ at His crucifixion.

Why is this correct, but then the other hand how is this misleading? Christ – Son of God

Do you suppose that the Son of God “worked” during eternity past?

When did the work of the Son of God begin? Creation

Did He rest until the time of His crucifixion? If not, what was He doing? Sustaining all things

How involved was the Son of God in the lives of Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Examples?

How involves was the Son of God in the government of Israel?

What does the title “Christ” mean? (Messiah, Saviour, God, Anointed one)

What was the appointed work of Jesus Christ? (Healing, saving, sacrificing, teaching)

In what sense is the death of Christ His work? Anointed for this task

The importance of the death of Christ.

Wherein is the uniqueness of Bible Christianity? (Christ, God, atonement, morality, eschatology, ecclesiology)

If we eliminated the doctrine of the death of Christ from Christianity what would we have?

How many moral teachers have we had in human history?

Was Jesus a teacher of morality and ethics? Yes

Did Jesus Christ establish a “kingdom?” How so? (His teaching, His birth, His disciples, His death)

What was the purpose of the incarnation? (Christmas, Easter, atonement, teacher, church leader)

“He was manifested to ————- ———- our———————-”

“Christ ———– ————- ————— ————– to give His ——————- a ransom for many.”

Why is the virgin birth of Christ is important? (Christmas, Easter, sinlessness, Mary, union with us.)

What is the meaning of “atonement?” (Salvation, redemption, covering, death)

Is the atonement taught in the Old Testament

In what way can we conclude that “atonement” is prominent in the Old Testament? (Scriptures, saviours, sacrifices, prophecies)

Even though all Old Testament sacrifices were atoning, which specific sacrifice was more? (Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac, Noah’s sacrifice, the Passover, Yom Kippur)

It is said that one out of every (24, 44, 54 or 64) verses in the New Testament speaks about redemption.

It is said that the death of Christ is mentioned about (75, 95, 125 175) times in the New Testament.

What did Paul say that “he delivered unto the (Corinthians) for of all?” (Incarnation, redemption, resurrection, that Christ died for our sins)

According to Rev. 5:8-12 salvation through Christ is the theme of what place? (Heaven, the church, Hell, Washington D.C.)

Aspects of Christ’s Death.

According to Lev. 25:47-49 what is the definition of “redemption?” To buy back

How does Rom. 7:14 relate to a slave market? (Sinners are dirty, chained, sold under sin, captured)

Which of these verses does NOT teach that Jesus’ death ransomed sinners? (Matthew 20:28; I Pet. 1:18;

I Tim. 2:6; Gal. 3:13).

To whom was the ransom paid? (Satan, Christ, God’s wrath, God’s law, God’s holiness) Highly debated

“Propitiation” means (salvation, redemption, satisfaction, glory)

Which of these verses does not speak about propitiation? (Rom. 3:25; I John 2:2; Heb. 9:5)

What word in Heb. 9:5 in the Greek Bible is sometimes translated “propitiation?” Mercy seat

What is/was the Mercy Seat? Describe it.

What event at the Mercy Seat meant “salvation” for Israel? (Passover, Atonement, Hanukkah, Yom Kippur)

What did Christ Jesus do at God’s Mercy Seat? (He rested there; He was merciful there; He sprinkled His blood there).

The blood of Christ (washed, satisfied, destroyed) the demands of the law against the sinner.

“Reconciliation” means that two parties are (forgiven, cleansed, brought together, saved)

Do any of these verses teach reconciliation between God and the sinner? (Rom. 5:10; Eph. 2:16; Col. 1;20)

Between this and propitiation, ———————– is propitated and ————————— is reconciled.

How important is “substitution” in the matter of our salvation?

How did the sacrifice of Isaac end? (Isaac’s death, Abraham’s death, a ram’s death, a substitution)

Describe how “substitution” relates to the Passover.

How does the book of Philemon illustrate salvation by substitution? (Paul preached the gospel, Paul corrected heresy about salvation, Paul wanted another person’s debt laid upon him.)

For whom did Christ die on the cross? (Isaac, all the people of the world, those He intended to save, the elect)

Heresy about Christ’s death.

Which of the following are true – the death of Christ (was a regrettable accident, a martyrdom, an example to us all; a predetermined plan of God)

Was the death of Christ a surprise, which caught God off-guard but He used it anyway to save us

What is the meaning of the word “martyr” (revolutionary, efficient cause, reactionary, witness).

Why wasn’t Jesus’ death a martyrdom?

What does the death of Jesus teach us about our death? (Almost nothing, it will hurt, it is good for us)

The necessity for Christ’s Death.

From God’s perspective, why was the death of Christ necessary? (Foreordination, plan, holiness, wrath)

From man’s perspective, why was the death of Christ necessary? (Salvation, sinfulness, depravity, hope)

What happens when people have a light opinion about the holiness of God?

What happens when people have a light opinion about their sinfulness?

What does God’s love have to do with the death of Christ? (Motive, clarity, responsibility, conclusion)

What can sinners do to earn God’s love? (Be good, forgive themselves, forgive others, nothing)

Can God’s love overcome His holiness?

The effects of the Death of Christ.

What effect does the death of Christ have on the material universe? (Light, salvation, nothing as yet, it will result in the removal of the curse)

For what does the whole creation groan and travail (Rom. 8:22) (the Saviour, clean air, good government, the manifestation of the sons of God)

Will the world, during the thousand year reign of Christ be much different from today?

What will the sacrifice of Christ have to do with those differences (light, salvation, clean air, it will result in the removal of the curse)

What exists today between God and sinners? (Confusion, enmity, love, patience)

“Having ————— in his flesh the ————–, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;

And that he might ————– both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the ———- thereby:”

Christ “Whom God hath set forth to be a ————– through ———– in his blood, to declare his ————– for the ————— of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God.”

“Blotting out the handwriting of ——————– that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his ———————.”

“Christ hath ————— us from the curse of the law, being made a ———— for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that ——————– on a ————.”

“For when we were yet without ___________________, in due time Christ ___________ for the ungodly.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how important is the death of Christ?

By what means can we know that Christ died for us? (By our good works, by our church membership, by our faith and repentance, by our hopes and prayers)

Did Christ die for your salvation?