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Outside the Lord Jesus Christ, the single most important person in history of Christianity is the Apostle Paul. Not only did he explain the theology of the gospel, it was through him the gospel came in our direction. It was Paul who was the Apostle to the Gentiles – our race. And He was also the Apostle to the European continent which eventually brought the truth to America. Paul was a great servant and lover of Christ. He was also a man of like passions with us. So he is well worth our study time.

Paul was not nurtured up in the things of Christ – he not raised a Christian. He didn’t hear his mother sing the songs of Calvary. “Years I spent in vanity and pride, caring not my L was crucified…” “There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus, no not one, no not one…” He had no Sunday School training, no evangelistic meetings and no Christian camps to attend. The lack of these things In our society might be a handicap, because of the pressure put on kids these days. But under the circumstances, this lack in Paul’s life enhanced his future service of the Lord. He grew up with name “Saul” in city of Tarsus, Cilicia (Turkey); raised to be a proud Jew and Pharisee. He was of the tribe of Benjamin, and his name reflected the pride that tribe had in the first Israelite king. He hated Jesus of Nazareth and felt that it was impossible that he could be the Messiah. At some point he vowed to destroy the cult that was growing around the name of “that Nazarene.”

But Saul of Tarsus was radically, drastically and fundamentally converted. His theology, his attitude, his entire life was more radically changed than if he had been changed from a lion into a gazelle. One commentator, William Arno, wrote, “His was, and was intended to be, the most striking and important individual conversion between Christ’s ascension and His return to judge the world.” Saul was a grown man, well on his way to a super career in anti-Christianity. But he was turned upside down, and every love of his life which wasn’t god-honoring was ripped away.

I believe that it is essential that every man, woman and child, have a spiritual conversion. It doesn’t matter what kind of background the person has – he must be born again – converted to Christ. I’m not talking about a change of churches, or a decision to give up tobacco or drugs. There is no conversion made when a person is dry, then wet by way of baptism, and then dry again. The conversion to which I refer is as radical as someone who was dead returning to life. This kind of conversion might be likened to an ISIS terrorist murderer, bowing to worship Christ Jesus, with his neck exposed to the blade of his former terrorists. And this makes the study of Saul’s conversion doubly important. He was that terrorist murderer. His was not only an important event in religious history – something which has helped to shape the world. Encapsulated here is the history and testimony of every true child of God.

Consider this question – From what was Saul converted?

I’ve used the word “conversion” a few times already, and I’ve tried to describe it. Now let me try to define it, using James 5:19-20 – “Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.” James’ use of the word is a little more confined than my intention, but the principles remain the same. First he speaks about “erring from the truth.” If someone suggested to me that the earth is flat and I believed him, I would be erring from the truth. You might say that I was “foolish;” you might call me “stupid;” but you probably wouldn’t call me “sinful.” If I tried to force you to agree with me about a flat earth, that might indeed become sin. But stupidity, and a denial of some kinds of truth, isn’t necessarily sin. The truth to which James refers is not scientific, mathematic, literary or secular truth. He is talking about the truth of God – the Bible, the gospel, Christ, Biblical theology. And in verse 20 he clearly describes the man with this error – “the sinner.” Conversion is a soul work – it is something which is wrought upon the soul of “a sinner.” It is not merely the outward change of someone’s behavior. And it means the rescue of that soul from death, obviously the second death, eternal death. “Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.” In Matthew 18:3 Christ Jesus said, “Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven.” Acts 3:19 – “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.” Judging from these verses and others, this conversion is very serious.

It is the soul of the sinner which is converted, and it is from his SIN that he is converted. In the days of the Bible, Christ, Paul and Peter, could talk about sin, and people understood their meaning. The problem today is that “sin” is a word confined to church or to late-night comedy television. Most people today do not consider themselves to be “sinners.” Despite using the term against others, Saul was one of those people to whom “sin” didn’t apply. But despite his rose-colored glasses, Saul, was just as wretched a sinner as was his ancient name-sake.

He was, first of all, a RELIGIOUS sinner – an highly religious sinner. Years after his conversion, in explaining himself to others he said, “I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as ye all are this day.” If there is anything in this world from which we need deliverance from it is religion. The world’s religions have now produced over 3,000 various mutant forms. They range from everything between the worship of rocks, to men, to Satan, to demons posing as Jesus and Jehovah. Its practices include the sacrifice of sex to silver; and kids to killings.

And one of the highest varieties of religion is called “Judaism.” Judaism is monotheistic – it reverences one God only. It is moralistic; it can be life-encompassing rather than just a pocket full of prayer. It is encouraging, rather than fear-inspiring, and it was even Jehovah-created. But it fell from being theistic – God’s very own – into humanistic – man-centered. And Saul was climbing towards the pinnacle of that humanistic religion.

Nothing is more tragic than to be cast into Hell from the lofty height to which Saul was reaching. Nothing sadder than to have a form of religion but to deny the Messiah thereof. Saul had religion coming out ears, but the real thing – the original substance was not found in this heart. At his conversion – his heart and his religion were regenerated.

He was converted INTELLECTUALITY as well. Saul of Tarsus had the best religious education available to man in his day. Perhaps it was the best education period. He went to the finest seminary and could claim the best teacher in world – one Gamaliel. But have ever noticed that no man has ever yet climbed a tree with only his mind? No one has ever been able to keep his body alive by studying math or anything else. There are things which the mind can do, and there are things which body must do. These things are obvious, but not so obvious are the things which belong only to the soul. It is impossible by the physical efforts or by mental attainments to save a condemned soul. In fact false education often stands in the way of redemption. Satan controlled education laughs in the face of “conversion.” Saul was converted from an intellectualism, which said that Jesus of Nazareth could not possibly be God, the Messiah, or the Saviour.

He was also converted from his HEREDITY. You might be surprised how often people’s genealogy plays a role in their religion. Religions, like Mormonism, are well known for their family research. First, they profess to be baptized to wash away the sins of their forefathers. Then they talk of ancient races of North Americans and boast on some them. But recent DNA research has created a huge wave in LDS theology, proving that American Indians, the Mormon “Lamanites,” are not descendants of the Hebrews as Joseph Smith declared. Then there are the cults like Armstrongism and British Israelites. The genealogies of the Jews are almost proverbial, as they still await the Messiah. Heredity may be important in religion, but it is nothing in conversion. Its only relationship to salvation is the fact that we are children of earlier sinners. Saul was the son of a Gentile-hater but became the Apostle to the Gentiles, willing to give his life in order that they might be redeemed. He was converted from bigotry – the big brother of heredity. He had originally even hated other Jews who were not as theologically pure as he was.

Then came his conversion from BRUTALITY Acts 22:4. “And I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women.” God’s people are not haters – nor hitters. Perhaps this is one criteria for judging various sects, cults and denominations within Christendom. Can those Protestant and Catholic persecutors, be true children of God? As for Saul, there was a time in his life when he could take pleasure in the slaughter of Stephen. He could arrest, bind and jail innocent women and children. But following his conversion he would say, “I am a slave to Christ. I am worthy those beatings, whippings, stonings and jail.”

Saul of Tarsus was converted from BLASPHEMY, the blasphemy and denial of the deity of Jesus Christ. For a Jew to call any man “God” was inconceivable. Saul, the Pharisee of the Pharisees, made that radical conversion. “Jesus Christ, our Lord, was made of the seed of David, according to the flesh, and was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.” “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the God-head bodily.” “Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh.”

On and on we could go describing things from which Saul was converted, but they can be summarized. The man was converted from his SIN, and that is what salvation is all about. “Except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into kingdom of Heaven.” Let’s not talk about the day you said the little prayer, “Jesus save me for I have sinned.” You must be converted stripped of all your pride and every vestige of your sinful self. Your religious affiliations are not conversions; charitable donations are not conversions. The question is: are you “a new creature in Christ” with your old life passed away? Directionally we must, we must be converted FROM several very important things.

But we must be converted TO some things as well – like Saul of Tarsus.

If you have not been converted to the right things then you have not been converted by the Lord. I’ve heard people pray few words of apology to God and think those words delivered them from their sins. But there was no outward or inward change in lives – no on-going prayer, no worship, no Bible reading. Those people have not been converted when there is no conversion. Consider some of the things that Saul was converted toward.

He was converted into unconditional SURRENDER a new relationship to Christ Jesus. He had been a rebel as far as Jesus was concerned, a blasphemer and a persecutor of Christians. He had been kicking like old mule whenever the farmer urged him to move along. The conviction of the Holy Spirit had been heavy upon his heart, but he fought it with all his might. But at his conversion, he is was surrendered as the lamb, dumb before her shearers. “Yes, Lord, what would thou have me to do? Speak Lord for thy servant heareth.” Saul emptied himself – was emptied by the Holy Spirit – to permit the filling of Christ. When people are converted and saved they have a new relation to the Son of God. Jesus comes alive off the printed page of the Word of God and into heart of the converted soul. There is a love for Christ and His Father in Heaven which didn’t exist before. And there is an obedience, which if it existed before, was only out of duty or fear. “Lord, what would thou have me to do” is the cry of the truly converted soul. And then when the Lord does speak, even if only His book, the converted lives and loves to obey. The converted Saul was baptized, then prayed, preached, and went wherever the Lord directed him. Real salvation and conversion is unto unconditional surrender.

And Saul was converted unto uncommon COURAGE – a new relationship to the Devil. After he had his sight and strength restored, Saul immediately went into battle with Satan. “And when he had received meat, he was strengthened. Then was Saul certain days with the disciples which were at Damascus. And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God. But all that heard him were amazed, and said; Is not this he that destroyed them which called on this name in Jerusalem, and came hither for that intent, that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests? But Saul increased the more in strength, and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is very Christ. And after that many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill him: And he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, and disputed against the Grecians: but they went about to slay him.” When people are converted there is going to be an understanding of who the enemy is. You may say that Islam and atheism are not friends to God’s grace, and you’d be correct. But are you as quick to say that Catholicism and Mormonism are as equally the enemy of God? And what about liberal Protestantism?

Saul was converted to an unfashionable LIFE-STYLE – he had a new relationship to society. No longer was he pleasing his peers, associates, family and friends. He considered serving Christ to be more important. He had no need to wear the same philacteries that the fashionable Pharisees were wearing. He didn’t go to the same hang-outs that he once did. He quit the Masons, Odd-fellows, Moose Lodge, Elks, Eagles, Muskrats and Norway Rats lodges. What need did he have to be accepted by Satan’s people or to impress them. He lived in a new society – the society of friends of Jesus. The movers and shakers he now knows are shaking world for Jehovah. Jeremiah once asked – “Can the Ethiopian change skin or leopard his spots?” The ordinary answer is “no,” BUT nothing is impossible with God. Conversion can make the blasphemer the blesser; the persecutor the persecuted. Saul of Tarsus had been converted from the society of sin to the society of saints.

Furthermore he had been converted to unmistakable CHANGE – a new relation to his old-life. He was not the same man that he had been before he left for Damascus to incarcerate the saints. I read about a girl asking for baptism and membership in old Scotish Baptist church. The pastor questioned her: “Have you learned what it is to sin? Yes, sir. Do you think that you have been converted from your sin? Yes, sir. Are you still a sinner? Absolutely sir. Well then how do you know that you are converted? Well, before I was converted, I was running after sin. Now I am running from it.”

The man, Saul of Tarsus, became a different man – He became Paul the Apostle to Gentiles. Those two were not born different men, but one was born-again a different man. The Apostle Paul was the man that Saul of Tarsus became through Jesus Christ.

Sam Hadley gave his testimony one day, praising God for converting him and taking away his appetite for liquor. An intellectual physician began chiding him, saying, that God would have to give him a new stomach for that to be true. Hadly replied, “Praise God, I knew that I had new heart, but I didn’t know that I had a new stomach until you told me.”

I believe that God has such things for you and me as well as Saul and Sam Hadley. I remind you of Christ Jesus’ words: “Except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Have you been converted to Christ? Humbly pray for God’s work of conversion in your soul. Repent before God, as Saul did; believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, as Saul did, and thou shalt be saved.