The Doctrine of Resurrection:

What would you say is the greatest chapter of the Bible when it comes to the doctrine of resurrection (I Cor. 15; II Cor. 4; I Thess. 4; Jn. 6; Jn. 11). They all could be – Jn. 6:40; 11:25; II Cor. 4:14

What doctrine would you say is most closely linked with your hope of the resurrection (creation; the eternality of the soul; Christ’s resurrection; the veracity of God)? All of them are linked to resurrection

What does creation teach us about resurrection (nothing, because it was so long ago; since Adam was raised from death, we may be as well; Jehovah is the source of life; where there is no sin there is eternal life)? He who breathed life into the empty body of Adam, can breathe life into a dead body

What does the holiness of God teach us about resurrection (nothing, because no sinner can stand in the perfect holiness of God; if God promised something then it is assured; resurrected bodies will shine as the firmament; resurrected bodies will be as holy as Jehovah Himself)? In hope of eternal life, which God…

What does the love of God teach us about resurrection (nothing in and of itself; resurrected people are especially loved by God; every human being will be resurrected; because the Father loves the Son and the Son is so full of love, all humanity will be resurrected)?

What does Christ’s resurrection teach about human resurrection (nothing, because He is special; nothing, because we are sinful; those who are “in Christ” should expect to be resurrected some day; resurrection is a God-thing)?

The resurrection of Christ:

Where might we find a prophecy of Christ’s resurrection (Ps. 16:10; Matt. 16:21; Matt. 26:32; Jn. 2:19)? All

What event, found in the Old Testament, is a type of the resurrection of Christ (Joseph in the Egyptian prison; Job in his sufferings; David in Gerar; Jonah)? As Jonas was three days and three nights

What event in the life of Christ was to be kept quiet until after Jesus’ resurrection (His transfiguration; His birth; His birth; His miracle of the bread and fish)? Transfiguration – Mk. 9:9

Where was Paul when he said it was prophesied that Christ would “rise from the dead” (Rome; standing before Agrippa; Caesarea; Ephesus)? Acts 26:22-23 – Caesarea before Agrippa and Festus

How important was the crucifixion to Jesus’ resurrection (very important; it proved His death; there can’t be resurrection until there is death; it was not important at all)?

Who announced Jesus’ resurrection (Gabriel; Michael; Peter; Mary Magdalene)? Angel – Matthew 28:7, Mary

Which of these words does the Bible use when speaking about the evidence of Jesus’ resurrection (spiritual; incontrovertible; undeniable; infallible)? He shewed himself alive by many infallible – Acts 13

What were some of the proofs of Christ’s resurrection (the empty tomb; the grave clothes; 600 witnesses; the broken seal; His scars)? 1 Cor 15:6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once

Put in order these appearances of the resurrected Christ (to Mary Magdalene; to Peter and John; to the disciples; to several other ladies). 1,4,2,3

Put in order these appearances of the resurrected Christ (at Damascus; at Jerusalem; at the Sea of Galilee; at His ascension)? 2,3,4,1

How important is Christ’s resurrection to the gospel (somewhat important; essential; helpful; unnecessary)?

How often did the gospel preachers of the Book of Acts make mention of Christ’s resurrection (periodically; often; almost never; almost always)? Very often

What was the first occasion when Peter mentioned Christ’s resurrection (the election of Judas’ successor; Pentecost; the healing of the blind man at the beautiful gate; his trial before the high priest)? Acts 1:22

What was the occasion, as far as we know, of Peter’s third public declaration of Jesus’ resurrection (after the healing of the blind man at the Beautiful gate; after his arrest for healing the blind man; at the death of Ananias; at the death of Stephen)? Acts 3 – after the healing of the LAME man

To whom did Peter say, “Him God raised up on the third day, and showed him openly…” (the high priest; Pilate; Agrippa; Cornelius)? Acts 10:40 – Cornelius

In what city did Paul say “But God raised him from the dead” (Antioch in Pisidia; Antioch in Syria; Jerusalem; Rome, New York)? Pisidia – Acts 13:30

Where was it that Paul opened and alleged that “Christ must needs have suffered and risen again from the dead” (Thessalonica; Ephesus; Corinth; Athens)? Thess – Acts 17:3

What did Paul say that the resurrection of Christ declared (His salvation; His divine Sonship; His power; His voracity)? Ro 1:4 And declared to be the Son of God with power…by the resurrection from the dead

Christ was “delivered for” what reason (God’s will; our offences; to satisfy scripture; our salvation)? R. 4:25

Christ was “raised for” (our justification; our curiosity; our hope; our good fortune)? Who was delivered for

“Thou shalt be saved” if we (tithe faithfully; confess to a priest; confess the Lord Jesus; believe that God hath raised him for the dead)? Rom 10:9 that if thou shalt confess w mouth the L.J, and shalt believe in

When God raised Christ from the dead, He (set him at His own right hand; set Him in heavenly places; set Him above all principality, power and might; set Him above every name that is named). All – Eph. 1:20-21

Because we believe that Jesus died and rose again, we may also believe (them which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him upon his return; there is no reason to sorrow like the unbeliever; we shall not be translated; that Christ will descend from heaven with a shout)? I Thess. 4:14-26

Because of “the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (we have an incorruptible inheritance; we shall not die; we have a lively hope; we have eternal security)? I Pet 1:3-4 – 3 of these 4

“But now is Christ ______________ from the _________________, and become the ____________________ of them that _________________.” I Cor 15:20

Since Christ was not the first person to return from death, how is it that He is the “first fruits (first doesn’t always mean first; Christ is the reason that anyone has ever been resurrected; Christ is the representative of all resurrections; Christ is the way, the truth and the life)?

“Jesus Christ, who is the faithful _______________, & the first _________________ of the ____________, & the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that _____________ us, & __________________ us from our sins in his own ____________, & hath made us _______________ & _____________________ unto God & his Father; to him be _________________ & _______________ for ever & ever.” Rev. 1:5-6

People raised from the dead by the grace of God:

The son of the widow of Zarephath was raised from death by (Solomon; Elijah; Elisha; Samuel)? Elijah – I K 17

The son of the Sunammite was raised by (Elijah; Elisha; Samuel; David)? Elisha – I K 4

A body was resurrected when it was dropped onto the bones of (Elijah; Elisha; Samuel; David)? Elisha

In Luke 8 who was raised from the dead (Jairus’s son; Jairus’ daughter; the son of a widow; the brother of Mary)? Jairus’ daughter – 8:52-56

In Luke 7 who was raised from death (Jairus’ daughter; the son of a widow; the sister of Martha; Peter’s mother-in-law)? Son of the widow of Nain

In John 11 who was raised from the dead (Jesus’ friend; Martha’s brother; Dorcus; a Centurion’s servant)?

Who was the human instrument used in the resurrection of Tabitha (Jesus; John; Peter; Paul)? Acts 9:40

Who was the human instrument used in the resurrection of Eutychus (Jesus; John; Peter; Paul)? Acts 20

Who was raised from the grave at Jesus’ death (Adam; Abraham; Simeon; Anna)? None????

Were those who were raised from death at Jesus’ resurrection, whether in the Old Testament or the New, recognized by those who saw them?

What was it that Paul expected at the end of his earthly life (death; resurrection; translation; glorification)?

How many of the children of Adam will eventually be resurrected (Abel; Cain; Seth; all of them)?

Theologically, how many resurrections are there going to eventually be (one; two; a gazillion; no one knows)? Rv. 20:5 – Two???

Who will be resurrected at Jesus’ return in the air (New Testament saints; all the predeceased saints; those that are a live and remain; all the descendants of Adam)? The dead in Christ – I Thess. 4

Who will be resurrected at the Lord’s glorious return just before the Millennium (New Testament saints; the martyred saints of the tribulation; all unbelievers; the twelve apostles)? Tribulation saints?

Who will be resurrected at the close of the Millennium (those who died without Christ; New Testament saints; all the predeceased saints; those that are a live and remain?

What is the likelihood that we will recognize one another in our resurrected bodies?

What other words might apply to our resurrected bodies (glorified; sanctified; sanitized; homogenized)?