Biblical Prophets:

The primary Hebrew word translated “prophet” literally refers to a (prognosticator; seer; spokesman; visionary)? “Nabi” – spokesman

The Greek word translated “prophet” refers to a (soothsayer; oracle; seer; spokesman)? Spokesman

The English word “prophet” is a (transliteration; a translation from Greek; a translation from Latin; a translation from Egyptian)? Transliteration of “prophetes”

The name of Spokane’s newspaper could be (the Coeur d’Alene Press; the Inlander; the Spokesman Review; the Prophet and Historian)?

A prophet might never (see Jehovah; understand what he prophesied; tell the future; get rich)? All of these

A prophet might serve (Jehovah; himself; his human bosses; the Devil)? All of these

If your pastor called himself “a prophet,” it would be (a mistake; the truth; a proud assumption; a Biblical revelation)? Could be any of these

From before His crucifixion, which of the following has Christ placed from time to time in His churches (apostles; prophets; evangelists; teachers; pastors)? All of these – Eph. 4:11

In the Bible “the prophets” refers to (all of God’s servants; the apostles; a group of Old Testament books; the Pentateuch)? Luke 24:44

Old Testament Prophets:

Who was God’s first “official” prophet (Adam; Noah; Enoch; Abraham)? Jude 14-15 – Enoch

Noah was a prophet because he (built an ark; built an altar; worshiped Jehovah; declared the futures of his sons). Predicted the futures of his children – Gen. 9:24-27

Jacob was a prophet because he (predicted the futures of his sons; served God while in Egypt; inordinately loved his two youngest sons; died while in prayer)? Spoke for God, predicted the future – Gen. 48-49

Who in the days of Moses prophesied, disturbing some in Israel (Moses, Aaron, Eldad; Medad)? Num 11

The first prophet about whom God warned Israel was (Balaam; Jannes; the one who directed Israel away from Jehovah; Jambres)? “Let us God after other gods…. thou shalt not hearken” – Deut. 13:1-3

When Moses told Israel to expect another prophet much like himself, he was talking about (Joshua; David; Isaiah; Christ)? De 18:15 The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee

Who, according to scripture, was arguably the premier prophet of the Old Testament (Moses; David; Isaiah; Jeremiah)? De 34:10 there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom LORD knew

How often did that prophet speak of future events (often; very often; seldom; never)? Seldom

Who was the first prophet for whom that title might not properly apply (David; Joshua; Deborah; Barak)? Deb

Who was the prophet who reassured Israel that God would deliver them from the Midianites, and it came to pass through Gideon (Eldad; Elijah; Iddo; Joel)? We aren’t told – Judg 6:7-10

Who was the prophet who foretold the deaths of the sons of Eli (Samuel; Eli; Eldad; Medad)? ??? I Sam 2

How many in Israel knew that Samuel was destined to be a great prophet (just his family; just Eli; the tribe of Levi; everyone)? I Sam 3:20 All Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established

Before he became king, Saul went looking for (his father’s asses; a prophet; a seer; a wife)? 1 Sam 9:9

Who in I Sam. 19 was surprisingly found ministering as a prophet (Balaam’s ass; Saul; Samuel; David)?

Who was the prophet that told David not to hide among the enemy of God but to return to Judah (Ephriam, Gad; Manasseh; Nathan)? I Sam 22:5 The prophet Gad said unto David, Abide not in the hold; depart

Who was the prophet that told David about God’s judgment upon the king for his numbering of Israel (Ephriam, Gad; the half tribe of Manasseh; Nathan)? Gad – II Sam. 24:11-19

What prophet told David that it was a good idea to build a temple (Gad; Nathan; Isaiah; Iddo)? II Sam. 7

What prophet told David of God’s judgment for the King’s sins against Bathsheba and Uriah (Gad; Nathan; Iddo; Hidalgo)? II Sam. 12 – Nathan

What prophet risked his life to make sure that Solomon succeeded his father as king (Gad; Nathan; Iddo; Amos)? Nathan – I Kings 1

What man prophesied that Jeroboam would rule over ten of the tribes of Israel (Nathan; Gad; Ahijah; Isaiah)? Ahijah – I Kings 11:29

Who warned Rehoboam against going to war with Jeroboam (Iddo; Shemiah; Isaiah; Nathan)? I K 12 -Sh

What happened to the prophet of I Kings 13 (he was killed by Jeroboam for pointing out his sin; his hand withered up; he was eaten by a lion; he pronounced judgment on another servant of God)?

What man prophesied the godly service of King Josiah more than 300 years before it occurred)? I K 13:2

Who prophesied against King Baasha (Hannai, Jehu, Iddo; Ishmael)? Jehu – I Kings 16:1

Who was the prophet that came to Ahab in I Kings 20:13 (Nathan; Miles; Iddo; Idonotno)? Unknown

Who prophesied God’s favor upon Asa (Azariah; Oded; Medad; Heydad)? II Chron 15:1,8 – Az & Oded??

There were two prophets who bore the same name; they were (Nathan; Gad; Obed; Oded)? II Ch 28

What prophet was thrown into prison for condemning a king’s sin (John; Hannai; Isaiah; Jeremiah)? Isa?

Who rebuked both the king of Israel and the king of Judah (Baasha; Jehoshaphat; Jehu; Jehudi)? Jehu – I K16

Who told Ahab that he would die in battle (Micaiah; Isaiah; Iddo; Kiddo)? Micaiah – I Kings 22

What great prophet of the Old Testament was never called “a prophet” (Elijah; Elisha; Samuel; David)?

Who was the prophet of Mt. Carmel (Elijah; Elisha; Samuel; David)?

New Testament Prophets:

Which of these were not prophets (Peter; James; John; Paul)? They all were

Who predicted the ministry of his famous son (Joseph; Mary; Zacharias; John)? Zach – Lk. 1:67-69

Who prophesied of Jesus’ future ministry (Zacharias; John; Agabus; Simeon)? Simeon & John Baptist

Agabas predicted (the Great Tribulation; famine in Israel; Paul’s imprisonment; Christ’s return)? A 11 & 21

Who will be the great prophets of the Tribulation (Enoch; Elijah; Iddo; Idonotno)? Rev. 11:3-12


Who was the first Biblical prophetess (Miriam; Deborah; Michael; Ruth)? Ex 15:20 Miriam the prophetess

Her ministry was primarily (preaching; foretelling the future; leading in praise; condemnation)? Music

Who predicted the defeat of the Canaanites (Miriam; Deborah; Huldah; Jael)? Judg. 4:4-9

What was the name of the wife of Shallum of Tikvah (Miriam; Huldah; Esther; Jael)? 2 Ki 22:14 Huldah

Who fathered two children with prophetical names through his wife “the prophetess” (David; Isaiah; Jeremiah; Ezekiel)? Isaiah 8:3

Who was the father of more than three prophetesses (Stephen; John; Peter; Philip)? Acts 21:8-9 – Phil

What was the age of the oldest known prophetess (104; 84; 95; 967)? Luke 2:36-38 – 84

False prophets:

Who was the man hired to prophesy on behalf of Moab (Black; Balak; Balaam; Baal)? Balaam – Num. 22

Who incorrectly prophesied Ahab’s victory over the Syrians, proving himself to be a false prophet (Zedekiah; Zechariah; Zephaniah; Zadok)? Zed – I Kings 22:11-24

Who was Jeremiah’s prophetical nemesis (Hannah; Hananiah; Handel; Haggai)? Jeremiah. 28 – Hananiah

Jeremiah predicted that the family of which false prophet would be completely destroyed (Sheshak; Saul; Shadrach; Shemaiah)? Jeremiah 29:24-32

Jeremiah foretold the death of the false prophet (Zedekiah; Zechariah; Zephaniah; Zadok)? Zed – Jer29:21

The name of a false prophetess during Nehemiah was (Michal; Naomi; Noadiah; Noaic)? 6:14 Noadiah

Where do we read of angels claiming to be prophets (they never do; in the Book of Mormon; in the Apocrypha; in Revelation)? Rev. 22:6; 9

“Beloved, ____________________ not every ______________, but try the _____________ whether they are of _________________: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” I John 4:1

According to I Cor. 14, today if a man considers himself to be a prophet he needs to listen (to his heart; to the Word of God; to the Holy Spirit; to the deacon board)? 1Co 14:37

“But there were _______________ prophets also among the people, even as there shall be _______________ teachers among ______________, who privily shall bring in damnable _______________, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift _________________.” 2 Pe 2:1

What was the name of the false prophet in Paphos (Elymas; Barjesus; Iddo; Kiddo)? Acts 13:6-8; Ely &Bar

Who was the false prophetess of Thyatira (Jehu; Jezebel; Jehoiada; Jehudi)? Rev. 2:20 – Jezebel

What will be the name of the false prophet of the Tribulation (Jezebel; Billy; Nimrod; Idonutknow)? 19:20

What will happen to that man (become president; be eaten by dogs; be glorified; be cast into the Lake of Fire)? Re 20:10 The devil that deceived them was cast… where the beast and the false prophet are