Dear Pastor and Brethren:
Thanksgiving Month!
Although we are thankful for all that the Lord is doing, November is the month in which we give special thanks to the Lord for His wonderful works to the children of men. The mission had a fellowship dinner after the morning service on the eighth, and it was a delightful time. We all brought special foods to share with others and had a time of social fellowship which we had not had for several months. We did our best to do social distancing and kept our hygiene standards high which we always do anyway. Thus far, nobody that comes to our services has contracted the Covid-19 virus, and we are truly thankful for that blessing.
Expressing Our Gratitude!
The social blessings were pleasing to all of us, but the spiritual blessings from the Word of God have endeared us more to the Lord and to each other. To think upon all that the Lord has done for us, by His grace, is more that we can truly comprehend. We, as wicked sinners having offended God and deserving His wrath only, have found grace in His sight through the person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Discovering, through the Word of God, that He has chosen us from before the foundations of the world to be recipients of His grace in spite of our offenses and sinful nature, makes us humble ourselves before Him in a gratitude beyond description with words. Loyalty to Christ, dedication to service, hunger for biblical truth, willingness to sacrifice, prayer for His return, a high moral standard, and a deep desire to learn more of Him are just a few of the descriptive phrases that cross my mind as I contemplate the attribute of gratitude in my heart toward the Lord.
Thus, I desire to express our gratitude to all of you, our supporting churches, in the work of the ministry, especially in the work of missions. Thank you for your patience, sustenance, and, longsuffering toward us during these years of the falling away of many from the faith, and a hardening of human hearts toward spiritual things. Sin has been redefined as a loss of self-esteem, and salvation has been redefined as the recovery of self-esteem. The integrity of the Word of God has been so diluted and destroyed by false translations, and self-help themes that teaching and preaching sound doctrine seems to be heresy to many and scares them away. However, I believe that the Lord is still in the work of saving His people and adding them to His churches. May the Lord be pleased to regenerate some of His people here in Stillwater through the work of the ministry here through us, in the coming days as we await His return.
By His grace and in loving gratitude,

Tim & Roxanne Parrow    II Tim. 1:7