Dear Pastor and Brethren:
A Month of Praise and Thanksgiving
As last month we reported as being a somewhat difficult month, this month we have some answers to prayer to report. LaShonda Dale reported that the Lord has answered prayer for her concerning a new job. She was working nights for a Senior Living Community and is now going to work for DHS in the area of Adult Protective Services. She and her family are rejoicing in this new job and are thanking the Lord for providing it for them. Working at night has ended and she now has weekends off, better income, and a better level of work.
Another New Visitor
The Lord sent us another new visitor, Miss Tori Marshall, a post graduate student from Tennessee, working on her PHD in agriculture. She came only once but told us she was going to be out of town during the Thanksgiving holiday. We hope that she will return to visit with us
Our Spanish Outreach
Contact with Spanish speaking people has once again slumped although we did have the opportunity to be in contact with seven different Mexican families and individuals. We know that the Roman Catholic Church is permitting a group of young married couples to have their own Bible study in which they take turns giving their own opinions about what certain portions of the Bible mean to them. It is a “blind leading the blind” situation. Would to God they would come to our services and let me teach them; but such is not the case. The Word of God is not for “private interpretation,” but is to be “rightly” divided. They think their religion and their opinion is as good or superior to mine, pride in ritual and religion being their chief hindrance to the truth.
Expressing Our Personal Gratitude
We thank our gracious Lord for all the support, both financial and prayerful, that He sends us through you all, our supporting churches. We give special thanks to our sponsoring church and her pastor, Calvary Independent Baptist Church, Bro. K. David Oldfield, with whom we just had the opportunity to visit with and see in person at an Indian Baptist Bible Conference in Stilwell, OK. We were pleased as well to see Bro. and Sis. Austin Fulton as missionaries to the vast American northwestern states at that Bible Conference, also sent out of our home church.
By His grace and in loving gratitude,
Tim and Roxanne Parrow