Juliette Pattison was born in 1808. After the Lord saved her, she was baptized by her brother, the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Providence, RI. While teaching in Charlestown he met her future husband, J. G. Binney. They married in 1833, and on this day ten years later they set sail for Burma as missionaries. Neither the husband or the wife expected to live long in the hot and dangerous climate of Asia, but they were willing to spend their lives for their Saviour.
In 1850, as Sister Binney’s health began to fail she wrote to her brother. “As you see by the date of this letter I have entered on my fortieth year; and yesterday was the fifteenth anniversary of my marriage; can you think of your ‘little sister’ as being so very old? Joseph, I can see, is a little anxious about my health. I am not. I did not expect to live many years when I came to this country… My husband said yesterday that if on leaving his church in Savannah, he would have known that he would only live long enough to accomplish what the Lord has permitted us to do here, he would not have hesitated a moment. Do not be alarmed, lest I grow worse, I should go home. We have not the most distant idea of ever seeing your dear face again, though I would give anything short of sacrificing conscientious convictions to do so.”
Mrs. Binney then returned home to the States, and she did see her brother’s face again. While there she recovered and then returned to Burma. Twice more, her health or that of her husband forced their return home, but upon their restoration they kept going back to Asia. When her husband died in 1877, Sister Binney went on to live in Rangoon where she continued to serve the Lord. She passed away on the night of May 18, 1884 after teaching her Bible-class earlier in the day. Though anticipating an early death, she lived to be almost 75.