- What do we mean by “the Tribulation?” (The seven years period of God’s wrath poured out on earth).
- What group of people does the Tribulation primarily concern? (Israel).
- What is the primary purpose of the Tribulation? (To prepare Israel for the Messiah).
- Isn’t the Tribulation also designed to purify God’s churches? (No).
- What New Testament book most clearly speaks about the Tribulation? (Revelation).
- At what point in that book do we begin to read about the Tribulation (Chapter 6 and the opening of the seals).
- Where in that book do we find reference to God’s churches? (Chapters 1-3 and 22:16).
- Does that book give us any reason to think that God’s churches will be in the Tribulation? (No.)
- What are the five major areas of thought in regard to the relationship of the rapture to the Tribulation? (Pre-Trib., Post-Trib., Mid-Trib., Mixed-Trib [Partial Rapture] and the Pre-wrath Rapture).
- What is the primary tenant of the Mid-trib’er in regard to the saints of God? (The saints will be caught up in the middle of the Tribulation).
- Do Post-trib’ers and Mid-trib’ers share any of the same opinions about the rapture? (Many).
- How do Mid-trib’ers and others use Peter (John 21:15-19) to argue against the Pre-trib rapture? (Peter was told that he would die a martyr’s death, indicating that the rapture couldn’t take place during his life).
- How do Mid-trib’ers and others use Paul (Acts 22:21) to argue against the Pre-trib rapture? (Paul was told that he would have an extensive preaching ministry, meaning that the rapture couldn’t happen immediately).
- Does “imminency” mean the same thing as “momentarily”?
- Does the Bible teach the momentary return of the Lord? (No).
- Did Paul preach and teach the imminent return of Christ? (Yes).
- Did Peter preach that the saints should look for the Saviour? (Yes).
- What is the primary argument of the Mid-trib’ers that the rapture will take place at the middle of the Tribulation? (The “last trump”of I Cor. 15 and I Thess. 4 is the 7th trumpet of Rev.11:15-19).
- What are some of the arguments that the “last trump” is not the 7th trumpet? (One is the trump of God and the other the trump of an angel; the trump in the epistles isn’t one of a series; the trump in I Thess. is short while the trump of Revelation continues for some time; and the related events: resurrection, death, earthquakes, joy are entirely different).
- How does Matthew 24:29-31 militate against the Mid-trib argument? (That trumpet is at the end of the Tribulation).
- According to Revelation what twelve events must take place before the 7th trump of Revelation 11:15? (The opening of the seals and the pouring out of the vials – Rev. 6-11).
- What takes place with the opening of the seven seals? (Conquest, war, famine, death, martyrdom, and various natural disasters).
- What takes place with the blowing of the first six trumpets? ( Hail, fire and blood; sea turned to blood; poisoned fresh water; astrological disasters; scorpion locusts; death of a third of humanity).
- Are today’s saints of God told to watch for, or to fear these things? (No).
- According to its creator, Marvin Rosenthal, when will the pre-wrath rapture take place? (Three quarters of the way through Daniel’s 70th week – after the “Beginning of Sorrows,” and the “Great Tribulation,” but before the wrath of the “Day of the Lord”).
- Is there much difference between the Mid-trib’er and the Pre-wrath’er? (Not much).
- Do, or do not, the events which take place with the seals and the trumpets sound aspects of God’s wrath?
- Why should we call those events something other than God’s wrath?
- Where in the scriptures are New Testament saints told to expect, or look for, these things? (We aren’t).