D. L. Mansfield was born in 1797, while his parents were living in the state of Kentucky . He was born again, much later. Through the ministry of a circuit-riding Presbyterian preacher, D.L. came under conviction of his sins, but he attended his first meetings of this man in order to disrupt and intimidate him, but the Holy Spirit had other things in mind, and once again there was a clear illustration of God’s sovereign grace. For ten days, D.L. was under excruciating spiritual pain, but then while seeking a man-made forgiveness for his sins, he was given an understanding of the simplicity of salvation by grace, and in humble repentance he believed God’s word, trusting the finished work of Christ.

Thinking that he would join soon the Presbyterians, D.L. began reading his Bible, whereby God changed his heart once again when learning that the baptism of the Protestants was not scriptural. D.L. Mansfield was immersed in water and joined the Stoney Point Baptist Church in Logan County, Kentucky. On this day in 1817 He married miss Elizabeth Barnett – a woman who greatly helped him in his future ministry. With the joy of the Lord filling his heart, Brother Mansfield began to show his church that the Lord was calling him into the ministry. After his ordination in 1823 he became pastor of the Providence Baptist Church in Warren, Kentucky.

In Spencer’s “History of Kentucky Baptists” a story is told about an occasion when Brother Mansfield was preaching, and the wife of Sandy Spillman and the two daughters of William Doors came forward for prayer. When they heard about it, the husband of the woman and the father of the girls both became enraged and threatened violence against the preacher. Some of his friends encourage him to openly arm himself to deter any problems, but Mansfield refused, saying that the weapons of God’s warfare are not carnal, and that he would pray for the men. The following night, while Mr. Mansfield was hitching his horse, Mr. Doors approached him, and began to confess his sins, begging him to pray for him. Then on his way home, he found Spillman on his knees beseeching God for mercy. Later both of the men, the wife, and the two daughters, were all baptized and joined the Lord’s church.