Alfred Taylor was the son of Pastor Joseph Taylor. Joseph for a time had been a Methodist preacher, but in reading the Word of God, he realized that the baptism of the Methodists was rooted in Catholicism, not the scriptures. He was immersed in September of 1804 and eventually moved to Warren County, Kentucky where he pastored, until he moved to another church in Butler county.
Alfred was born in Kentucky on this day (July 19) in 1808. He was a rebellious kid and began living an ungodly life, however the grace of God overcame him. He once wrote in his journal, “I was enabled in my 22nd year, October, 1829, to trust in Him whose blood speaketh better things than that of Abel, in whom believing, I was enable to rejoice with joy unspeakable and fully of glory.” Despite entering his twenties still not being able to read, he applied himself and soon became a Bible scholar and a preacher of the Word of God. In May of 1834 he was ordained to the gospel ministry. Alfred was never strong in body, nevertheless he loved to preach. In the fall of 1865 he traveled some distance to oversee a funeral. The Lord so blessed that he stayed for several weeks, preaching daily. It is said that by the time of his death, when he was about 55, he had baptized more than 800 converts to Christ. Not only was he used of the Lord, but three of his sons followed him into the ministry.