The Old Testament Judges.
Old Testament judges sat behind big oak desks, in black robes, with white curly wigs (yes; no; I don’t know).
The Hebrew verb translated for “to judge” means to (adjudicate; avenge; plead; execute)? All of these
The theme of the Book of Judges is all about men who were judges (yes; no; I don’t know; sort of).
Who governed Israel during the period of the judges (Moses; Joshua; David; Saul)? No one
Which statement most closely resembles the days of the judges (“Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart;” “thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might;” “I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up;” “In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes)? Judges 17:6; 21:25
The spirituality and, as a result, the prosperity of Israel during the days of the judges was (like a sine wave; up and down; thrilling; depressing)? Wave; up & down; depressing
Who raised up the judges of the Old Testament (the Republican Party; the state legislature; Jehovah; the heart of that particular judge)? Nevertheless the Lord raised up judges, which delivered them – 2:16
Generally speaking, the judges delivered Israel from (their enemies; their sins; the effects of their sins; evil)
Who delivered Israel from the king of Mesopotamia (Gideon; Othniel; Deborah; Samson)? Othniel – 3:8-10
Generally speaking, at what point did the Lord step in and raise up His judges (when Israel started eating their own children; when the enemy started stealing Israel’s food; when the judges were old enough; when the children of Israel cried unto the Lord). Prayer and repentance??? – 3:9 for example
Generally speaking, was the repentance of Israel genuine (yes; no; I don’t know; relatively speaking yes)?
Who defeated the Moabites (Gideon; Ehud; Deborah; Samson)? Ehud – 3:12-20
How would you describe the man which that judge killed (wicked; self-righteous; obese; happy)? 3:17
With what did Shamgar kill six hundred Philistines (a stun gun; a sten gun; an ox stampede; an ox goad)?
The judge who defeated Jabin’s army of Canaanites was (Barak; Deborah; Gideon; Samson)? Deborah
Jabin’s military general was killed by whom and how did he die (Sisera was nailed by Jael; Herod was eaten by worms; Abner was stabbed by Joab; Ahimelech was hit by a millstone). Judges 4:21
Who defeated the armies of Midian (Gideon; Othniel; Deborah; Samson)? Gideon – Judges 6-8
Jephthah defeated the (Medians; Midians; Amorites; Ammonites)? Ammonites – Judges 10-12:17
The strongest of the judges was (Gideon; Othniel; Deborah; Samson)? Samson
What is the best way to measure strength (speed over 100 meters; pounds jerked; talents held at arm’s length for a length of time; devotion to Jehovah)?
Was Samson very strong (yes; no; in some ways; I don’t know)?
Samson’s greatest foe (was Delilah; was himself; were the Midianites; were his neighbors)? Philistines???
The greatest of all the judges was (Gideon; Ehud; Deborah; Samson)? What about Samuel – I Sam. 7:15
Most list the number of judges between (1 & 5; 5 & 10; 10 & 12: 12 & 15). Fifteen
Which of the following were not judges (Othneil, Ehud; Shagar; Deborah; Gideon; Abimelech; Tola; Jair; Jephthah; Ibzan; Elon; Abdon; Samson; Eli; Samuel). Eli – I Sam. 4:18 – “he had judged Israel forty years.”
In the Bible God’s judgment is (carried out with grace; spelled with two e’s; swift and sure; exactly as deserved)? As deserved???
God’s first act of judgment on human beings was (the flood; in Eden; outside Eden; in His eternal degree)?
God’s first act of human judgment fell on (Cain; Eve; Adam; all humanity)? Rom. 5:12
Ten events fell upon Egypt, when Israel was kept there. Those events could be called (disasters; blessings; plagues; judgments)?
During the Exodus, God judged Israel with (time; serpents; quail; Anakims)? Not Anakims
During that time, Israel was judged for her (murmuring; rebellion; faith; ill-health)? Sin
During that time, God judged (Moses for his sin; Joshua for his sin; other nations for opposing Israel; Caleb for his faith)?
During that time Moses sinned by (killing an Egyptian; crossing the Red Sea; abusing a rock; being mean to Joshua)? Striking the rock contrary to God’s instructions
Since Moses was a good man and chosen to lead Israel to the Promised Land, God’s judgment of that man was (severe; just; exemplary; gracious). How were all these a part?
At the fall of Jericho, Achan sinned against God and was judged – (God judged him; Israel carried out the judgment; his family was unjustly judged as well; Israel mourned). Why did his family suffer?
The judgments during the judges were in order (to magnify those judges; to give reason to decimate the enemy nations; prove Israel’s depravity; to magnify God’s holiness and His law)?
Israel’s first king, Saul, was judged because of his (rebellion; persecution of David; treaty with the Philistines; pride). I Sam. 15:23
Saul’s punishment was (leprosy; his suicide; the loss of the throne; the disrespect of his son Jonathan)?
David, the type of Christ; was never judged (I agree; he was judged; but it wasn’t too bad; he was forgiven by grace).
David was judged for which of these sins – (polygamy; faithlessness; helplessness; love).
Whose sin brought about the judgment of a divided Israel (Jeroboam’s; David’s; Israel’s; Rehoboam’s)?
The Ten Tribes of Israel, because of sin, were judged with (Syrian; Assyrian; Babylonian; Roman) captivity.
Judah, because of her sin, was judged with (Syrian; Assyrian; Babylonian; Roman) captivity.
After the restoration and return of Judah, she was judged for her sins again by (the Philistines; the Greeks; the Egyptians; the Romans). Greeks followed by the Romans
At times God uses (famine; war; disease; mothers-in-law) to judge the world.
The greatest act of divine judgment was (in Eden; upon Lucifer; will be at the Great White Throne; at Calvary)?
The greatest act of divine grace was (in Eden; upon Lucifer; will be at the Great White Throne; at Calvary)?
How can both be true?
Who will be the last and greatest of all judges (God; Christ; John; you)?
For the Father _______________ no man, but hath committed all ________________ unto the ________: That all men should _________________ the _______________, even as they ___________ the Father. He that _________________ not the Son ___________________ not the ________________ which hath sent him.” John 5:22 -23
Why should all men everywhere repent (it is good for the soul; it is prophitable; because God hath appointed a day when He will judge in righteousness by Christ Jesus; it keeps the rain out of the kitchen).
What is the upcoming seven year period of judgment called (Democratic-controlled congress; Jacob’s Trouble; the Tribulation; World War Three).
In the Book of Revelation, we read about the judgments of God in (the seals; the vagaries; the trumpets; the violins)?
Why is the judgment seat of Christ sometimes called the “bema” (it’s a throne perched on an I-beam; it gives the speaker an air of intelligence; it’s the Hebrew word for “judgment seat;” it gives people the opportunity to argue over pronunciations)? It’s the Greek word
What does the Bible call the judgment of the nations (Cain and Abel Judgment; Good and Bad Judgment; Sheep and Goats Judgment; Saints and Sinners Judgment). Sheep & Goats – Matthew 25:31-46
How long will Satan be judged in the bottomless pit (seven years; a hundred years; a thousand years; a millennium of years)? Rev. 20:1-3
That will be followed by the judgment of the (tickler; lake of fire; having his own way; hell). Rev. 20:10
What notable pair will precede Satan in that judgment (Cain and Able; Ananias and Sapphira; Nadab and Abihu; the Antichirst and False Prophet). Rev. 19:20
Who will be the judge at the “Great White Throne” (you; me; God; Christ)?
Who will be judged at the “Great White Throne” (you; me; the dead small and great; the unredeemed)?
They will be judged according to (the Bible; the books; the Lamb’s book; their works)? All
What words might be used to describe that judgment (mercy; grace; finality; exasperation)? Exasp?
What specific, named judgment will follow the Great White Throne (The Great Grey Throne; none; self-examination; the judgment of grace)? None
“And _______________________ was not found written in the ________________ ________________ of _______________ was cast into the __________________ of __________________.” Rev. 20:15
At which judgment will you face Christ (Bema; White Throne; Sheep & Goats; Calvary)?