- What is the Millennium? (The thousand year, literal reign of Christ upon the earth.)
- Has the Millennium begun yet? (No.)
- What group of people do the prophecies of the Millennium primarily concern? (Israel.)
- Does the Millennium concern only this people? (No.)
- Generally speaking, what will today’s saints be doing during the Millennium? (Living and reigning with Christ – Rev. 20:4).
- What relationship do the Old Testament covenants have to do with the Millennium? (Those covenants are the basis of all Eschatology, including the Millennium.)
- What is a covenant? (An act of God whereby He established an agreement with a special segment of mankind.)
- What are the four most important UNCONDITIONAL covenants? (Abrahamic, Palestinian, Davidic, and New).
- Are these four independent covenants? (The last three might be considered subsections to the first).
- Besides being unconditional, what are some other aspects of the basic nature of each of those covenants? (Literal, eternal, unconditional, and with a specific people – they are not to be applied willy-nilly).
- To whom did God first give the Abrahamic covenant, and where can we read it? (Gen. 12, 13, 15, 17, & 22).
- What did God covenant to do in Gen. 22:15-18? (To bless and multiply his seed, and through his Seed bless all the nations of the earth).
- To what two things does the word “seed” refer? (To Abraham’s children and to the Messiah).
- What is the general “double reference” aspect of the Davidic Covenant in II Samuel 7:12-16? (Part of the promise obviously relates to Solomon, and some of the eternal aspects relate to Christ).
- Did Christ ever commit iniquity or require God’s chastening? (No.)
- Was Christ ever smitten with the stripes of the children of men? (Yes).
- Was God, the Father, ever merciful to the Son?
- In what way was the house and kingdom of David established for ever? (Through Christ’s salvation and His millennial kingdom).
- What is the meaning of the covenant referred to in Psalm 89:1-4; 34-36?
- Is this an unconditional covenant? (Yes).
- Is this an eternal covenant?
- Should the Davidic covenant be understood in a literal or figurative fashion? (Literal).
- Did David believe that it would be literally fulfilled? (Yes).
- Have any portions of this covenant been fulfilled? (Yes, in the birth of Solomon, for example).
- Have the fulfilled portions been literal or figurative?
- Should we expect the rest to be figurative or literal?
- Can we see the literal fulfilment of this covenant in the world today? (Not really).
- When will the details of this covenant be more fully fulfilled? (The Millennium).
- How does the promise made to Mary relate to the Covenant with David (Luke 1:31-33)?
- Has the son of Mary established a literal, eternal kingdom on earth?
- Will He establish a literal kingdom, and if so when? (During the Millennium.)
- What is the relationship of the return of Christ to the Davidic Covenant? (Essential).
- What is the relationship of Christ to Millennium? (Essential).
- To what does Isaiah 11 refer? (The Millennium).
- Where do we find reference to the New Covenant? (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 37:21-28).
- Is this a conditional covenant? (No.)
- Is this an eternal covenant? (Yes).
- How important is the New Covenant to the Millennium? (Foundational).
- By what New Testament word could we summarize the New Covenant with Israel? (Salvation).
- Does the fact that the Lord saves individual Gentiles fulfill the New Covenant with Israel? (No.)
- Should this covenant be understood literally or figuratively? (Literally).
- Ezekiel 37 speaks about a temple; will that be a literal temple or something else, like “the church?”
- Which temple will that be: Solomon’s, Herod’s, or ? (Millennial).
- Excluding the Sadducean sect, were the Jews of Jesus’ day looking for a literal or figurative Millennium?
- Based upon God’s Word, should we expect there to be a literal Millennium?