Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Luke10:2
Dear in Christ, God blest, David, your family and church of the redeemer of the Christ at you, the Grace to you yes will be increased!!!
We praise and we extol a holy name of the Lord! Our Lord – is God working wonders! Praise and glory to His holy name for ever and ever!!! God has blest us to have conference where were more than 60 persons from different churches of Siberia and the Far East (Vladivostok). And even from Yakutsk where the severe, frosty winter has already begun. Brothers speak that at them there already was at night-30C/-22F. We thank the Lord for you and your care of us. The biggest riches for us, prayers Sacred for we believe that all over the world, all depend on Goodwill of the Lord. We bless our God, for you, and for your many prayers about us and our service!!!
Yes God a hundred times more, for your sacrifice and for participation in business of the Lord in Siberia will render to you!!!
The Lord has blest all of us With the Word. We studied such themes, as:
- Calling by God on service and our Dedication of entirely to God!
- Who is for us Jesus Christ!
And especially we have received the blessing, certificates of brothers and sisters on great causes of sovereign God in their life and in life of churches! Praise to the Christ!!!
From for early frosts, in the north of our area, on the rivers have stopped to work crossings. And brother Vitaly from settlement Alekseevsk, could not visit conference. We ask you, pray for us that we could visit and support them in belief in the Christ in the winter.
As brother Evgenie Shepelevsky from settlement Jangel, on work has broken back muscles, and was traumatised, because of what was not at conference. The he very much wished to be, but on all there is a will of the Lord! They ask us to visit their church and to support their sermon of Grace of the Christ!
The Lord expands our service, and now we had a possibility to visit Murmansk area with the sermon on Sovereign God. As we have now dialogue with one pastor from the city of Kostroma, and we have possibility there to bear a message about Sovereign Grace of the Christ! We ask you, continue to pray for us. We need filling by the Holy Spirit, strengthening in belief in the Christ. And especially in force to bear the Gospel of Grace to the people of Russia.
We always remember you in our prayers, we prayed for you much and thanked God for your fidelity to Jesus Christ gospel.
All brothers and sisters of churches of Grace from Siberia, and now and from Yakutsk, Murmansk and Primorski Territory, transfer you our warm Christian greetings!
Abundance of Amazing Grace of the Lord to you!
Bro. Segei.
- Brother Andrey Martynov the pastor of the Yakut church preaches
- Brother Daniel the operator of record
- Brother Michael from the Far East (Vladivostok) with a beard and brother Valery
- Brothers and sisters praise the God in songs
- During dinner, conversation with brothers from Yakutia
- Participants of conference, Praise to the God
- Preparation for service
- The Bible in the centre of all conversations
- The first day of conference